Baby Rock

  • Coming in Classical: Joplin – Maple Leaf Rag & Entertainer

    Activity Instructions:

    Play music while children enter the room. Allow them to play with an instrument you are not using later in the plan while coming in.

  • Baby Rock Hello

    Pattern 01, Tempo 5

    Activity Instructions:

    Call children to circle. Start rhythm on Keyboard, and use each child’s name in the song.


    I’m gonna rock rock rock with with my baby
    Rock, rock rock with my baby
    Rock, rock rock with my baby
    in Rockin’ Rhythms music class

    Let’s all rock with [Name Here]
    Let’s all rock with [Name Here or “together”]
    Let’s all rock with [Name Here or “and have fun”]
    in Rockin’ Rhythms music class

  • Song w/Instrument: See the Bell


    Activity Instructions:

    Explore shaking, tapping, hiding the bell. Then sing song while performing the activities.


    See the bell, see the bell, hiding in the cage so well
    See the bell, see the bell, this is my cage bell

    Shake the bell, shake the bell, hiding in the cage so well
    Shake the bell, shake the bell, this is my cage bell

    Tap the bell, tap the bell, hiding in the cage so well
    Tap the bell, tap the bell, this is my cage bell

    See the bell, see the bell, hiding in the cage so well
    Shake the bell, shake the bell, shake then hide it well

  • Lapride: Thanksgiving History

    Activity Instructions:

    There is an American Holiday called Thanksgiving coming up later in the month. We are going to learn a little song with some history about the holiday.


    VERSE 1
    The pligrims sailed the sea in 1620,
    6 sails unfurled, and powered by the wind
    The Mayflower, she hit a storm
    The storm it changed the ships due course
    The ended far up north, not in virginnie

    VERSE 2
    The pilgrims sailed the sea for 65 days
    They landed in November, it was cold
    The Wampanoag, they came along
    they helped the folks at Plymouth Rock
    They showed them how to hunt, and fish, and grow crops

    The first Thanksgiving feast
    was in 1621
    to celebrate the first successful harvest
    The coat-men and the Wampanoag
    ate duck and deer, and squash and corn
    at a weeklong feast, with games and tests of skill

    Historical information:

    SOURCE of information in song:

  • Song w/Instrument: I Am Shaking My Egg Shaker


    Activity Instructions:

    Explore different things you can do with egg shaker. Then introduce the song.


    I am shaking my egg shaker then I stop
    I am shaking my egg shaker then I stop
    I am shaking my egg shaker
    I am shaking my egg shaker
    I am shaking my egg shaker then I stop

    v2 I am passing it back and forth
    v3 I am passing to a friend
    v4 I am shaking my egg shaker then it hides

  • Peek-a-boo w/scarves: I hide behind my hands (Farmer in the dell)


    Activity Instructions:

    Use hands instead of scarves. Introduce the song, sing several times through.


    I hide behind my hands
    I hide behind my hands
    [v1 I peek left and peek right
     v2 I peek high and peek low
    v3 I open shut and open shut]
    I hide behind my hands, Boo!

  • Signing Song: Please and Thank You

    Activity Instructions:

    Demonstrate the signs for please and thank you used in the song. Then sing the song several times through, using the signs for please and thank you.


    (to the tune of “If You’re Happy and You Know It”)

    I say “Please” with my hand, with my hand
    I say “Please” with my hand, with my hand
    Make a circle on my chest,
    When I make a request
    I say “Please” with my hand, with my hand

    I say “Thank you” with my hand, with my hand
    I say “Thank you” with my hand, with my hand
    I say “Thank you” with my hand, with my hand
    Tap my chin and bow my hand
    I say “Thank you” with my hand, with my hand

    Baby manners are for me, are for me
    Baby manners are for me, are for me
    Baby manners are for me, are for me
    I say “Thank You,” I say “Please”
    Baby manners are for me, are for me

  • Song w/Ball: If You’re Happy Samba Ball


    Activity Instructions:

    Pass out playground balls. Explore tapping the ball, rolling the ball, bouncing on top of the ball, and rolling on top the ball with your belly. Then play recorded song and follow directions.


    v.1 Tap your hands on the ball
    v.2 Use your hands to roll the ball
    v.3 Bounce your bootie on the ball
    v.4 Roll your belly on the ball

  • World Music Dance: France – C2C – Happy – French Dance Music by 4 DJs

    Activity Instructions:

    Pass out scarves, and have children bounce, dance, etc.

  • Baby Rock Exploration

    Activity Instructions:

    Dump a variety bucket of instruments out for children to play with. Allow them to explore and try different instruments. Please make sure there is nothing sharp or swallowable. Teacher’s choice on music, make sure that the song lyrics are clean and the topic is child-appropriate. You may want to find out some of your participants favorite popular songs and include them here!

  • Song Time
    Sing through favorite songs of children. You may choose to introduce the english only to the solfege song from other levels.

  • Puppet: Dinosaur Egg

    Activity Instructions:

    Use dinosaur puppet. Start with egg covered with a few scarves. Use track for this one. Repeat if desired.


    |: Dinosaur, Dinosaur, Dinosaur Egg
    In a nest in the ground, covered with plants
    Hangin’ out with up to 21 eggs!
    Dinosaur, Dinosaur Egg

    Out popped the dinosaur, out of his egg
    He’s a little tiny baby, but he grew up fast
    The “Terrible Lizard”gained 30 pounds a day
    Dinosaur Dinosaur Big :|

    Dinosaur Dinosaur Big x3

    Historical information:
    • Dinosaurs gained up to 30 lbs a day, growing as fast as whales. They doubled in size in their first 6 weeks.
    • The biggest dinosaurs were plant eaters.
    • Dinosaur actually means terrible lizard, referring to the dinosaur’s size.
    • Dinosaurs would have crushed their nests if they sat on them, and likely covered the nests with plants to keep them warm.
    • They laid up to 21 eggs in a nest, hoping that at least a few would survive the predators and hatch.

  • Lullaby: Rock-a-bye Lullaby

    Activity Instructions:

    Play the song. Parents and children can sit or stand and sway to the music and relax during this song. Repeat if desired.


    Rock-a-bye baby in the treetops
    when the wind blows
    the cradle will rock
    It will rock you fast asleep
    Swaying in the gentle breeze

    Now sleep, sweet babe
    Now dream, sweet babe

    Rock-a-bye baby here in my arms
    Rest your sweet head,
    safe from all harm
    I will rock you fast asleep
    Rest your head and count some sheep

    Now sleep, sweet babe
    Now dream, sweet babe,
    Now sleep, sweet babe,
    Now dream, sweet babe,
    Now sleep.

  • Goodbye Song

    Pattern 12, Tempo 8

    Activity Instructions:

    Start rhythm on keyboard. Then sing song, putting each child’s name in the song. Adjust the ending based on the number of children you have – feel free to repeat or not, and add goodbyes to mommies, daddies, instruments, etc, if needed to finish the musical phrasing, depending upon the size of your class.


    Goodbye, Cya later, adios my friends
    Our time in Rockin’ Rhythms class has come to an end
    au revoir, auf wiedersehen, bon voyage, chiao
    Until we meet again my friends, I’ll say goodbye for now

    |: Goodbye [Name goes here]
        Goodbye [Name here]
        Goodbye [Name goes here]
        Goodbye [Name here]
        Goodbye [Name goes here]
        Goodbye [Name here]
        We’ll rock again next time :|

    Tot Rock

  • Coming in Classical: Joplin – Maple Leaf Rag & Entertainer

    Activity Instructions:

    Play music while children enter the room. Allow them to play with an instrument you are not using later in the plan while coming in.

  • Tot Rock Hello

    Pattern 01, Tempo 5

    Activity Instructions:

    Call children to circle. Start rhythm on Keyboard, and use each child’s name in the song.


    I’m gonna rock rock rock with with my Tots
    Rock, rock rock with my Tots
    Rock, rock rock with my Tots
    in Rockin’ Rhythms music class

    Let’s all rock with [Name Here]
    Let’s all rock with [Name Here or “together”]
    Let’s all rock with [Name Here or “and have fun”]
    in Rockin’ Rhythms music class

  • Song w/Instrument: See the Bell


    Activity Instructions:

    Explore shaking, tapping, hiding the bell. Then sing song while performing the activities.


    See the bell, see the bell, hiding in the cage so well
    See the bell, see the bell, this is my cage bell

    Shake the bell, shake the bell, hiding in the cage so well
    Shake the bell, shake the bell, this is my cage bell

    Tap the bell, tap the bell, hiding in the cage so well
    Tap the bell, tap the bell, this is my cage bell

    See the bell, see the bell, hiding in the cage so well
    Shake the bell, shake the bell, shake then hide it well

  • Lapride: Thanksgiving History

    Activity Instructions:

    There is an American Holiday called Thanksgiving coming up later in the month. We are going to learn a little song with some history about the holiday.


    VERSE 1
    The pligrims sailed the sea in 1620,
    6 sails unfurled, and powered by the wind
    The Mayflower, she hit a storm
    The storm it changed the ships due course
    The ended far up north, not in virginnie

    VERSE 2
    The pilgrims sailed the sea for 65 days
    They landed in November, it was cold
    The Wampanoag, they came along
    they helped the folks at Plymouth Rock
    They showed them how to hunt, and fish, and grow crops

    The first Thanksgiving feast
    was in 1621
    to celebrate the first successful harvest
    The coat-men and the Wampanoag
    ate duck and deer, and squash and corn
    at a weeklong feast, with games and tests of skill

    Historical information:

    SOURCE of information in song:

  • Color or Shape Song w/Instrument: Looking for a Shape

    Activity Instructions:

    Print out the shapes and hang on the wall before class. Review the shapes, then sing the song, and have children run to the item that you are singing about.


    I am looking for a [SHAPE], looking for a [SHAPE]
    I am looking for a [SHAPE], looking for a [SHAPE]

    Rhombus, Trapezoid, Star, Heart 

  • Song w/Instrument: I Am Shaking My Egg Shaker


    Activity Instructions:

    Explore different things you can do with egg shaker. Then introduce the song.


    I am shaking my egg shaker then I stop
    I am shaking my egg shaker then I stop
    I am shaking my egg shaker
    I am shaking my egg shaker
    I am shaking my egg shaker then I stop

    v2 I am passing it back and forth
    v3 I am passing to a friend
    v4 I am shaking my egg shaker then it hides

  • Body Awareness: Dancing Leaves

    Activity Instructions:

    Turn on the music and follow the directions with the song to be the leaves.


    [walk around in a circle]
    The leaves are changing color color color 
    The leaves are changing color and falling to the ground
    The leaves are changing color color color
    The leaves are changing color and falling to the ground
    [spin in a circle]
    V1 The leaves are spinning through the air, through the air, through the air
          The leaves are spinning through the air, through the air, through the air
    [walk around in a circle]
    The leaves are changing color color color
    The leaves are changing color and falling to the ground

    V2 The leaves are jumping in the wind [jump]
    V3 The leaves they run across the ground [run]
    V4 The leaves are rolling on the ground [roll on ground]

  • Solfege Song: Hot Cross Buns

    Activity Instructions:

    Pass out microphones, explore speaking into them. Then ask children for some of their favorite songs, and sing them together.
    Introduce Solfege Syllables. Sing – Do – Sol – Do. Then introduce song. Sing a phrase at a time while parents/children echo.
    The sing song with words.


    Mi Re Do
    Mi Re Do
    Do do do do 
    Re re re re
    Mi re do
    Mi re do

    Hot cross buns
    Hot cross buns
    One a-penny two-a-penny
    Hot cross buns
    Hot cross buns

  • Song w/Ball: If You’re Happy Samba Ball


    Activity Instructions:

    Pass out playground balls. Explore tapping the ball, rolling the ball, bouncing on top of the ball, and rolling on top the ball with your belly. Then play recorded song and follow directions.


    v.1 Tap your hands on the ball
    v.2 Use your hands to roll the ball
    v.3 Bounce your bootie on the ball
    v.4 Roll your belly on the ball

  • World Music Dance: France – C2C – Happy – French Dance Music by 4 DJs

    Activity Instructions:

    Pass out scarves, and have children bounce, dance, etc.

  • Musical Exploration

    Activity Instructions:

    Dump a variety bucket of instruments out for children to play and try different instruments. Teacher’s choice on background music, make sure that the song lyrics are clean and the topic is child-appropriate. You may want to find out some of your participants favorite popular songs and include them here!

  • Musical Game: 123, identify me

    00 - Grand Piano, 48 - Tuba, 62 - Piccolo

    Activity Instructions:

    Print out pictures of Keyboard, Tuba, and Piccolo before class. Show the children each picture, and play the matching tone on the keyboard. Then hang the pictures around the room. The children will start in the center of the room. You will play a sound, and they have to go to the matching picture. Try to play in three different octaves (ie C3 tuba, C4 piano, C5 piccolo) so pitch as well as tone quality can help them distinguish between the different sounds.

  • Puppet: Dinosaur Egg

    Activity Instructions:

    Use dinosaur puppet. Start with egg covered with a few scarves. Use track for this one. Repeat if desired.


    |: Dinosaur, Dinosaur, Dinosaur Egg
    In a nest in the ground, covered with plants
    Hangin’ out with up to 21 eggs!
    Dinosaur, Dinosaur Egg

    Out popped the dinosaur, out of his egg
    He’s a little tiny baby, but he grew up fast
    The “Terrible Lizard”gained 30 pounds a day
    Dinosaur Dinosaur Big :|

    Dinosaur Dinosaur Big x3

    Historical information:
    • Dinosaurs gained up to 30 lbs a day, growing as fast as whales. They doubled in size in their first 6 weeks.
    • The biggest dinosaurs were plant eaters.
    • Dinosaur actually means terrible lizard, referring to the dinosaur’s size.
    • Dinosaurs would have crushed their nests if they sat on them, and likely covered the nests with plants to keep them warm.
    • They laid up to 21 eggs in a nest, hoping that at least a few would survive the predators and hatch.

  • Goodbye Song

    Pattern 12, Tempo 8

    Activity Instructions:

    Start rhythm on keyboard. Then sing song, putting each child’s name in the song. Adjust the ending based on the number of children you have – feel free to repeat or not, and add goodbyes to mommies, daddies, instruments, etc, if needed to finish the musical phrasing, depending upon the size of your class.


    Goodbye, Cya later, adios my friends
    Our time in Rockin’ Rhythms class has come to an end
    au revoir, auf wiedersehen, bon voyage, chiao
    Until we meet again my friends, I’ll say goodbye for now

    |: Goodbye [Name goes here]
        Goodbye [Name here]
        Goodbye [Name goes here]
        Goodbye [Name here]
        Goodbye [Name goes here]
        Goodbye [Name here]
        We’ll rock again next time :|

    Kid Rock

  • Coming In Classical: Joplin – Maple Leaf Rag & Entertainer

    Activity Instructions:

    Play music while children enter the room. Allow them to play with an instrument you are not using later in the plan while coming in.

  • Kid Rock Hello Song

    Pattern 01, Tempo 5

    Activity Instructions:

    Call children to circle. Start rhythm on Keyboard, and use each child’s name in the song.


    I’m gonna rock rock rock with with my big kids
    Rock, rock rock with my big kids
    Rock, rock rock with my big kids
    in Rockin’ Rhythms music class

    Let’s all rock with [Name Here]
    Let’s all rock with [Name Here or “together”]
    Let’s all rock with [Name Here or “and have fun”]
    in Rockin’ Rhythms music class

  • Song w/Instrument: See the Bell


    Activity Instructions:

    Explore shaking, tapping, hiding the bell. Then sing song while performing the activities.


    See the bell, see the bell, hiding in the cage so well
    See the bell, see the bell, this is my cage bell

    Shake the bell, shake the bell, hiding in the cage so well
    Shake the bell, shake the bell, this is my cage bell

    Tap the bell, tap the bell, hiding in the cage so well
    Tap the bell, tap the bell, this is my cage bell

    See the bell, see the bell, hiding in the cage so well
    Shake the bell, shake the bell, shake then hide it well

  • Body Awareness: Dancing Leaves

    Activity Instructions:

    Turn on the music and follow the directions with the song to be the leaves.


    [walk around in a circle]
    The leaves are changing color color color 
    The leaves are changing color and falling to the ground
    The leaves are changing color color color
    The leaves are changing color and falling to the ground
    [spin in a circle]
    V1 The leaves are spinning through the air, through the air, through the air
          The leaves are spinning through the air, through the air, through the air
    [walk around in a circle]
    The leaves are changing color color color
    The leaves are changing color and falling to the ground

    V2 The leaves are jumping in the wind [jump]
    V3 The leaves they run across the ground [run]
    V4 The leaves are rolling on the ground [roll on ground]

  • Alphabet Song w/Instrument: Letter B – The Baby loves the Ball

    Activity Instructions:

    Show the children a picture of the letter B and talk about the sound it makes. Then ask the children to identify things that start with the Letter B, the ones in the song are: baby, ball, bounce, bed, birthday balloon. Sing the silly story several times.


    The BABY loves the BALL, loves the BALL
    The BABY loves the BALL, loves the BALL
    The BABY loves the BALL, as it BOUNCES down the hall
    The BABY loves the BALL, loves the BALL

    The BABY loved to BOUNCE on the BED
    The BABY loved to BOUNCE on the BED
    The BABY loved the BED, till he BOUNCED upon his head (oh no!)
    The BABY loved to BOUNCE on the BED

    The BABY loves his BIRTHDAY , he loves his BALLOON

  • Solfege Song: Hot Cross Buns

    Activity Instructions:

    Pass out microphones, explore speaking into them. Then ask children for some of their favorite songs, and sing them together.
    Introduce Solfege Syllables. Sing – Do – Sol – Do. Then introduce song. Sing a phrase at a time while parents/children echo.
    The sing song with words.


    Mi Re Do
    Mi Re Do
    Do do do do 
    Re re re re
    Mi re do
    Mi re do

    Hot cross buns
    Hot cross buns
    One a-penny two-a-penny
    Hot cross buns
    Hot cross buns

  • Song w/Pitched Instrument: Muffin Man


    Activity Instructions:

    Pass out handbells. Allow children to explore ringing them. Then call out colors and have children practice ringing bells when their color is called. Then call out colors and help children play the song.


    Red Green Green
    Turquoise Blue Green Green
    Yellow Orange Turquoise Turquoise,
    Green yellow red red

    Red Green Green
    Turquoise Blue Green Green
    Green Turqoise Turquoise
    Green Yellow Green

  • Composing Activity: Thanksgiving Musical Mad-Lib

    Activity Instructions:

    We are going to work on writing song lyrics for our composition activity again. Distribute Mad lib sheet and crayons to parent/child pairs. Have them fill in the blanks, then sing each child’s unique song. Make sure you have enough printables ready for this before class!


    Thank you for the______  (Food)
    Thank you for the ____ (Toy)
    Thank you for my _____(Person)
    I thank you, I give thanks.

    Thank you for the thanksgiving song [CHILD NAME] wrote
    Thank you for her/his thanksgiving song
    Thank you for the thanksgiving song [CHILD NAME] wrote
    Thank you for her/his thanksgiving song

  • Song w/Ball: If You’re Happy Samba Ball


    Activity Instructions:

    Pass out playground balls. Explore tapping the ball, rolling the ball, bouncing on top of the ball, and rolling on top the ball with your belly. Then play recorded song and follow directions.


    v.1 Tap your hands on the ball
    v.2 Use your hands to roll the ball
    v.3 Bounce your bootie on the ball
    v.4 Roll your belly on the ball

  • World Music Dance: France – C2C – Happy – French Dance Music by 4 DJs

    Activity Instructions:

    Pass out scarves, and have children bounce, dance, etc.

  • Musical Exploration

    Activity Instructions:

    Dump a variety bucket of instruments out for children to play and try different instruments. Teacher’s choice on background music, make sure that the song lyrics are clean and the topic is child-appropriate. You may want to find out some of your participants favorite popular songs and include them here!

  • Musical Game: 123, identify me

    00 - Grand Piano, 48 - Tuba, 62 - Piccolo

    Activity Instructions:

    Print out pictures of Keyboard, Tuba, and Piccolo before class. Show the children each picture, and play the matching tone on the keyboard. Then hang the pictures around the room. The children will start in the center of the room. You will play a sound, and they have to go to the matching picture. Try to play in three different octaves (ie C3 tuba, C4 piano, C5 piccolo) so pitch as well as tone quality can help them distinguish between the different sounds.

  • Puppet: Dinosaur Egg

    Activity Instructions:

    Use dinosaur puppet. Start with egg covered with a few scarves. Use track for this one. Repeat if desired.


    |: Dinosaur, Dinosaur, Dinosaur Egg
    In a nest in the ground, covered with plants
    Hangin’ out with up to 21 eggs!
    Dinosaur, Dinosaur Egg

    Out popped the dinosaur, out of his egg
    He’s a little tiny baby, but he grew up fast
    The “Terrible Lizard”gained 30 pounds a day
    Dinosaur Dinosaur Big :|

    Dinosaur Dinosaur Big x3

    Historical information:
    • Dinosaurs gained up to 30 lbs a day, growing as fast as whales. They doubled in size in their first 6 weeks.
    • The biggest dinosaurs were plant eaters.
    • Dinosaur actually means terrible lizard, referring to the dinosaur’s size.
    • Dinosaurs would have crushed their nests if they sat on them, and likely covered the nests with plants to keep them warm.
    • They laid up to 21 eggs in a nest, hoping that at least a few would survive the predators and hatch.

  • Goodbye Song

    Pattern 12, Tempo 8

    Activity Instructions:

    Start rhythm on keyboard. Then sing song, putting each child’s name in the song. Adjust the ending based on the number of children you have – feel free to repeat or not, and add goodbyes to mommies, daddies, instruments, etc, if needed to finish the musical phrasing, depending upon the size of your class.


    Goodbye, Cya later, adios my friends
    Our time in Rockin’ Rhythms class has come to an end
    au revoir, auf wiedersehen, bon voyage, chiao
    Until we meet again my friends, I’ll say goodbye for now

    |: Goodbye [Name goes here]
        Goodbye [Name here]
        Goodbye [Name goes here]
        Goodbye [Name here]
        Goodbye [Name goes here]
        Goodbye [Name here]
        We’ll rock again next time :|

Family Rock

  • Coming In Classical: Joplin – Maple Leaf Rag & Entertainer

    Activity Instructions:

    Play music while children enter the room. Allow them to play with an instrument you are not using later in the plan while coming in.

  • Family Rock Hello Song

    Pattern 01, Tempo 5

    Activity Instructions:

    Call children to circle. Start rhythm on Keyboard, and use each child’s name in the song.


    I’m gonna rock rock rock with with my families
    Rock, rock rock with my families
    Rock, rock rock with my families
    in Rockin’ Rhythms music class

    Let’s all rock with [Name Here]
    Let’s all rock with [Name Here or “together”]
    Let’s all rock with [Name Here or “and have fun”]
    in Rockin’ Rhythms music class

  • Song w/Instrument: See the Bell


    Activity Instructions:

    Explore shaking, tapping, hiding the bell. Then sing song while performing the activities.


    See the bell, see the bell, hiding in the cage so well
    See the bell, see the bell, this is my cage bell

    Shake the bell, shake the bell, hiding in the cage so well
    Shake the bell, shake the bell, this is my cage bell

    Tap the bell, tap the bell, hiding in the cage so well
    Tap the bell, tap the bell, this is my cage bell

    See the bell, see the bell, hiding in the cage so well
    Shake the bell, shake the bell, shake then hide it well

  • Peek-a-boo: I hide behind my hands (Farmer in the dell)


    Activity Instructions:

    Use hands instead of scarves. Introduce the song, sing several times through.


    I hide behind my hands
    I hide behind my hands
    [v1 I peek left and peek right
     v2 I peek high and peek low
    v3 I open shut and open shut]
    I hide behind my hands, Boo!

  • Color or Shape Song: Looking for a Shape

    Activity Instructions:

    Print out the shapes and hang on the wall before class. Review the shapes, then sing the song, and have children run to the item that you are singing about.


    I am looking for a [SHAPE], looking for a [SHAPE]
    I am looking for a [SHAPE], looking for a [SHAPE]

    Rhombus, Trapezoid, Star, Heart 

  • Body Awareness: Dancing Leaves

    Activity Instructions:

    Turn on the music and follow the directions with the song to be the leaves.


    [walk around in a circle]
    The leaves are changing color color color 
    The leaves are changing color and falling to the ground
    The leaves are changing color color color
    The leaves are changing color and falling to the ground
    [spin in a circle]
    V1 The leaves are spinning through the air, through the air, through the air
          The leaves are spinning through the air, through the air, through the air
    [walk around in a circle]
    The leaves are changing color color color
    The leaves are changing color and falling to the ground

    V2 The leaves are jumping in the wind [jump]
    V3 The leaves they run across the ground [run]
    V4 The leaves are rolling on the ground [roll on ground]

  • Song w/Pitched Instrument: Muffin Man


    Activity Instructions:

    Pass out handbells. Allow children to explore ringing them. Then call out colors and have children practice ringing bells when their color is called. Then call out colors and help children play the song.


    Red Green Green
    Turquoise Blue Green Green
    Yellow Orange Turquoise Turquoise,
    Green yellow red red

    Red Green Green
    Turquoise Blue Green Green
    Green Turqoise Turquoise
    Green Yellow Green

  • Solfege Song: Hot Cross Buns

    Activity Instructions:

    Pass out microphones, explore speaking into them. Then ask children for some of their favorite songs, and sing them together.
    Introduce Solfege Syllables. Sing – Do – Sol – Do. Then introduce song. Sing a phrase at a time while parents/children echo.
    The sing song with words.


    Mi Re Do
    Mi Re Do
    Do do do do 
    Re re re re
    Mi re do
    Mi re do

    Hot cross buns
    Hot cross buns
    One a-penny two-a-penny
    Hot cross buns
    Hot cross buns

  • Song w/Ball: If You’re Happy Samba Ball


    Activity Instructions:

    Pass out playground balls. Explore tapping the ball, rolling the ball, bouncing on top of the ball, and rolling on top the ball with your belly. Then play recorded song and follow directions.


    v.1 Tap your hands on the ball
    v.2 Use your hands to roll the ball
    v.3 Bounce your bootie on the ball
    v.4 Roll your belly on the ball

  • World Music Dance: France – C2C – Happy – French Dance Music by 4 DJs

    Activity Instructions:

    Pass out scarves, and have children bounce, dance, etc.

  • Musical Exploration

    Activity Instructions:

    Dump a variety bucket of instruments out for children to play and try different instruments. Teacher’s choice on background music, make sure that the song lyrics are clean and the topic is child-appropriate. You may want to find out some of your participants favorite popular songs and include them here!

  • Musical Composition Activity: Thanksgiving Musical Mad-Lib

    Activity Instructions:

    We are going to work on writing song lyrics for our composition activity again. Distribute Mad lib sheet and crayons to parent/child pairs. Have them fill in the blanks, then sing each child’s unique song. Make sure you have enough printables ready for this before class!


    Thank you for the______  (Food)
    Thank you for the ____ (Toy)
    Thank you for my _____(Person)
    I thank you, I give thanks.

    Thank you for the thanksgiving song [CHILD NAME] wrote
    Thank you for her/his thanksgiving song
    Thank you for the thanksgiving song [CHILD NAME] wrote
    Thank you for her/his thanksgiving song

  • Musical Game: 123, identify me

    00 - Grand Piano, 48 - Tuba, 62 - Piccolo

    Activity Instructions:

    Print out pictures of Keyboard, Tuba, and Piccolo before class. Show the children each picture, and play the matching tone on the keyboard. Then hang the pictures around the room. The children will start in the center of the room. You will play a sound, and they have to go to the matching picture. Try to play in three different octaves (ie C3 tuba, C4 piano, C5 piccolo) so pitch as well as tone quality can help them distinguish between the different sounds.

  • Puppet: Dinosaur Egg

    Activity Instructions:

    Use dinosaur puppet. Start with egg covered with a few scarves. Use track for this one. Repeat if desired.


    |: Dinosaur, Dinosaur, Dinosaur Egg
    In a nest in the ground, covered with plants
    Hangin’ out with up to 21 eggs!
    Dinosaur, Dinosaur Egg

    Out popped the dinosaur, out of his egg
    He’s a little tiny baby, but he grew up fast
    The “Terrible Lizard”gained 30 pounds a day
    Dinosaur Dinosaur Big :|

    Dinosaur Dinosaur Big x3

    Historical information:
    • Dinosaurs gained up to 30 lbs a day, growing as fast as whales. They doubled in size in their first 6 weeks.
    • The biggest dinosaurs were plant eaters.
    • Dinosaur actually means terrible lizard, referring to the dinosaur’s size.
    • Dinosaurs would have crushed their nests if they sat on them, and likely covered the nests with plants to keep them warm.
    • They laid up to 21 eggs in a nest, hoping that at least a few would survive the predators and hatch.

  • Goodbye Song

    Pattern 12, Tempo 8

    Activity Instructions:

    Start rhythm on keyboard. Then sing song, putting each child’s name in the song. Adjust the ending based on the number of children you have – feel free to repeat or not, and add goodbyes to mommies, daddies, instruments, etc, if needed to finish the musical phrasing, depending upon the size of your class.


    Goodbye, Cya later, adios my friends
    Our time in Rockin’ Rhythms class has come to an end
    au revoir, auf wiedersehen, bon voyage, chiao
    Until we meet again my friends, I’ll say goodbye for now

    |: Goodbye [Name goes here]
        Goodbye [Name here]
        Goodbye [Name goes here]
        Goodbye [Name here]
        Goodbye [Name goes here]
        Goodbye [Name here]
        We’ll rock again next time :|