Lesson Plan for One
Coming in Classical: Mozart – 12 variations in C on Ah! vous dirai-je, maman
Activity Instructions:
Play in background before class as students and parents enter. Allow children to play with an instrument not used in the lesson plan.
Historical information:Twelve Variations on “Ah vous dirai-je, Maman”, K. 265/300e, is a piano composition by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, composed when he was around 25 years old (1781 or 1782). This piece consists of twelve variations on the French folk song “Ah! vous dirai-je, maman”. The French melody first appeared in 1761, and has been used for many children’s songs, such as “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”, “Baa, Baa, Black Sheep” and the “Alphabet Song”. (from Wikipedia)
Baby Rock Hello
Pattern 01, Tempo 5Activity Instructions:
Call children to circle. Start rhythm on Keyboard, and use each child’s name in the song.
Lyrics:I’m gonna rock rock rock with with my baby
Rock, rock rock with my baby
Rock, rock rock with my baby
in Rockin’ Rhythms music classLet’s all rock with [Name Here]
Let’s all rock with [Name Here or “together”]
Let’s all rock with [Name Here or “and have fun”]
in Rockin’ Rhythms music classSong w/Instrument: Tapping on My Drum
Activity Instructions:
Pass out instruments to children. Allow them time to explore hitting the drum with their hands, fingertips, and mallets. Tap the drum on the word “tap,” then keep the beat in the final 2 measures. Repeat several times.
Lyrics:Tap, tap, tap (x6)
Tapping on my drumLapride: Racecar Driver
Activity Instructions:
Have children sit in parents lap. Start track, and sing along and bounce the children. Repeat if desired.
Lyrics:Driving my car in a race today (bounce fast)
Yeah I’m driving fast, gonna zoom away
I’m in first, no, You can’t catch me
Wave goodbye, See ya later – Beep Beep (wave, pretend beep)
I’m a racecar driver (pretend to steer car)
I’m a racecar driver
I’m a racecar driver
Watch me zoom across the finish lineDriving my car in a race today (bounce fast)
Yeah I’m driving fast, gonna zoom away
I’m in first, no, You can’t catch me
Wave goodbye, See ya later – Beep Beep (wave, pretend beep)
I’m a racecar driver (pretend to steer car)
I’m a racecar driver
I’m a racecar driver
Watch me zoom across the finish line.Song w/Instrument: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Activity Instructions:
Pass out Cage Bells to children. Allow them to explore shaking them and tapping them on the ground. Then begin song.
Lyrics:Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are,
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are.When the blazing sun is gone,
When he nothing shines upon,
Then you show your little light
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are.Then the trav’ller in the dark
Thanks you for your tiny spark
He could not see where to go,
If you did not twinkle so
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
Thank you for your tiny spark.In the dark blue sky you keep
Often through my curtains peep
For you never shut your eyes
Till the sun is in the sky
Twinkle Twinkle little star,
Thank you for your tiny spark.Historical information:“Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” is a popular English lullaby. The lyrics are adapted from an early 19th-century English poem by Jane Taylor, “The Star”. The poem, which is in couplet form, was first published in 1806 in Rhymes for the Nursery, a collection of poems by Taylor and her sister Ann. [ Source:Wikipedia]
Peek-a-boo w/scarves: Where is Baby
Activity Instructions:
Pass out scarves, explore, playing peek-a-boo. Then begin singing song as you play. Sing several times. You may also subsitite the child’s name for “baby.”
Lyrics:Where is baby? Where did he go?
I can’t find him! Oh No!
Where is baby where did he go?
Five four three two one: Peek-a-boo!Signing Song: Ball
Activity Instructions:
Explain to the parents that you are going to do a signing song. Show them the sign for ball. Then introduce song. Sing several times.
Lyrics:I’m gonna talk with my fingers
I’m gonna talk with my hands
I’m gonna talk with my fingers
Show you I understandWhen I touch all my fingers together
in a round circle shape
My fingers look like a ball
That’s what I’m trying to say! “Ball”Song w/Ball: 123, Roll the Ball
Activity Instructions:
Pair up students, then allow children to practice rolling the ball, then begin song. Depending upon age and ability level, see if children can roll the ball to their partner when you say “roll” in the song. Repeat several times. With a small class, you might sit in a circle and play with everyone instead of pairing off.
Lyrics:One Two Three
Roll the ball to me
One Two
I roll the ball to youOne two three
Roll the ball to me
One Two
I roll the ball to you.World Music Dance: America – Vivir Mi Vida – Marc Anthony – Salsa
Activity Instructions:
Introduce the song, and give some background, then let children and parents dance to the song.
Baby Rock Exploration
Activity Instructions:
Dump a variety bucket of instruments out for children to play with. Allow them to explore and try different instruments. Please make sure there is nothing sharp or swallowable. Teacher’s choice on music, make sure that the song lyrics are clean and the topic is child-appropriate. You may want to find out some of your participants favorite popular songs and include them here!
- Song TimeSing through favorite songs of children. You may choose to introduce the english only to the solfege song from other levels.
Puppet: My Little Brown Dog
Activity Instructions:
Use puppet to sing song to children.
Lyrics:Ruff Ruff Ruff said my little brown dog
I wanna come out and play
Ruff Ruff Ruff said my little brown dog
as he waggled his tail awayRuff ruff said my dog, as he dug for a bone,
Ruff Ruff, what can I go fetch ?
Ruff Ruff, said my dog, as he ran for a hug
Ruff Ruff, what can I go catch?Ruff Ruff Ruff said my little brown dog
I wanna come out and play
Ruff Ruff Ruff said my little brown dog
as he waggled his tail awayRuff ruff said my dog, as he looked for some food
Ruff Ruff, please it’s time to eat
Ruff Ruff, could I have some water too?
Ruff Ruff, could I have a treat?Ruff Ruff Ruff said my little brown dog
I wanna come out and play
Ruff Ruff Ruff said my little brown dog
as he waggled his tail awayLullaby: Go To Sleep
Activity Instructions:
Parents may rock or sway, seated or standing, with their babies for this lullaby.
Lyrics:Go to sleep my little baby
Now it’s time to close your eyes
Go to sleep my little baby
Close your eyes and rest tonightWe’ll be watching, we’ll be waiting
We will be here when you wake
Dream sweet dreams my little baby
Now it’s time to get some sleepREPEAT
Goodbye Song
Pattern 12, Tempo 8Activity Instructions:
Start rhythm on keyboard. Then sing song, putting each child’s name in the song. Adjust the ending based on the number of children you have – feel free to repeat or not, and add goodbyes to mommies, daddies, instruments, etc, if needed to finish the musical phrasing, depending upon the size of your class.
Lyrics:Goodbye, Cya later, adios my friends
Our time in Rockin’ Rhythms class has come to an end
au revoir, auf wiedersehen, bon voyage, chiao
Until we meet again my friends, I’ll say goodbye for now|: Goodbye [Name goes here]
Goodbye [Name here]
Goodbye [Name goes here]
Goodbye [Name here]
Goodbye [Name goes here]
Goodbye [Name here]
We’ll rock again next time :|
Baby Rock
Coming in Classical: Mozart – 12 variations in C on Ah! vous dirai-je, maman
Activity Instructions:
Play in background before class as students and parents enter. Allow children to play with an instrument not used in the lesson plan.
Historical information:Twelve Variations on “Ah vous dirai-je, Maman”, K. 265/300e, is a piano composition by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, composed when he was around 25 years old (1781 or 1782). This piece consists of twelve variations on the French folk song “Ah! vous dirai-je, maman”. The French melody first appeared in 1761, and has been used for many children’s songs, such as “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”, “Baa, Baa, Black Sheep” and the “Alphabet Song”. (from Wikipedia)
Tot Rock Hello
Pattern 01, Tempo 5Activity Instructions:
Call children to circle. Start rhythm on Keyboard, and use each child’s name in the song.
Lyrics:I’m gonna rock rock rock with with my Tots
Rock, rock rock with my Tots
Rock, rock rock with my Tots
in Rockin’ Rhythms music classLet’s all rock with [Name Here]
Let’s all rock with [Name Here or “together”]
Let’s all rock with [Name Here or “and have fun”]
in Rockin’ Rhythms music classSong w/Instrument: Tapping on My Drum
Activity Instructions:
Pass out instruments to children. Allow them time to explore hitting the drum with their hands, fingertips, and mallets. Tap the drum on the word “tap,” then keep the beat in the final 2 measures. Repeat several times.
Lyrics:Tap, tap, tap (x6)
Tapping on my drumLapride: Racecar Driver
Activity Instructions:
Have children sit in parents lap. Start track, and sing along and bounce the children. Repeat if desired.
Lyrics:Driving my car in a race today (bounce fast)
Yeah I’m driving fast, gonna zoom away
I’m in first, no, You can’t catch me
Wave goodbye, See ya later – Beep Beep (wave, pretend beep)
I’m a racecar driver (pretend to steer car)
I’m a racecar driver
I’m a racecar driver
Watch me zoom across the finish lineDriving my car in a race today (bounce fast)
Yeah I’m driving fast, gonna zoom away
I’m in first, no, You can’t catch me
Wave goodbye, See ya later – Beep Beep (wave, pretend beep)
I’m a racecar driver (pretend to steer car)
I’m a racecar driver
I’m a racecar driver
Watch me zoom across the finish line.Color or Shape Song w/Instrument: SHAPE: Circles All Around
Activity Instructions:
Pass out tambourines. Ask children if they can find any circles. (The head and the zils). Then introduce the song.
Lyrics:Like a steering wheel, the wheels on a car
The colors on a stoplight, like your favorite ball,
There are circles all around (no cor-ners, no sides)
There are circles all around (no cor-ners no sides)
There are circles all around, will you find a circle, too?Like a polka dot (or poly spot), a pizza pie
like a tambourine, like the Sun in the sky…
There are circles all around (no corners, no sides)
There are circles all around (no corners no sides)
There are circles all around, will you find a circle, too?Like the bottom of a cup, a basketball hoop,
Like our belly buttons and our eyes too
There are circles all around (no corners, no sides)
There are circles all around (no corners no sides)
There are circles all around, will you find a circle, too?Song w/Instrument: These are My Maracas
Activity Instructions:
Pass out a set of maracas to students. Allow them to explore tapping them together, on the ground, shaking them, etc. Then introduce song.
Lyrics:These are my maracas
hear me shake them (shake, shake)
These are my maracas
hear me shake them (shake, shake)
These are my maracas
hear me shake them (shake, shake)
Shake [rest]
Shake [rest]
Shake [rest]
Shake [rest]
Shake shake shake shake shake[You may also substitute “tap” for “shake”]
Body Awareness: I’m Gonna Clap My Hands
Activity Instructions:
Invite everyone to stand, practice motions if desired (clap hands, stomp feet, wiggle fingers, tap knees). Then start track and begin song, following the directions for motions in the song. Repeat as desired.
Lyrics:I’m gonna clap my hands (clap clap)
I’m gonna stamp my feet (stomp stomp)
I’m gonna wiggle my fingers (wiggle fingers)
I’m gonna tap my knees (tap tap)
I’m gonna stand up tall and turn around (turn around)
And around and around and around and around
Let’s dance…. let’s dance…. let’s da–ance…. let’s dance…
let’s dance…. let’s dance… now lets all stop and do it againI’m gonna clap my hands (clap clap)
I’m gonna stamp my feet (stomp stomp)
I’m gonna wiggle my fingers (wiggle fingers)
I’m gonna tap my knees (tap tap)
I’m gonna stand up tall and turn around
And around and around and around and around
Let’s dance…. let’s dance…. let’s da–ance…. let’s dance…
let’s dance…. let’s dance… there’s no more time to do it againSolfege Song: Row Your Boat
Activity Instructions:
Hand out microphones. Say hello to each of the kids. Ask the children what songs they would like to sing.
Then transition into solfege. Have them sing Do, Re, Mi Fa, Sol, Fa, Mi, Re, then Do (repeat several times, be silly)
Sing syllables one phrase at a time, repeat phrase with parents.
Afterwards, sing song on words.Do, Do, Do Re Me – 11123
Mi Re Mi Fa Sol – 32345
Do Do Do Sol Sol Sol Mi Mi Mi Do Do Do – 888 555 333 111
Sol Fa Mi Re Do – 54321Song w/Ball: 123, Roll the Ball
Activity Instructions:
Pair up students, then allow children to practice rolling the ball, then begin song. Depending upon age and ability level, see if children can roll the ball to their partner when you say “roll” in the song. Repeat several times. With a small class, you might sit in a circle and play with everyone instead of pairing off.
Lyrics:One Two Three
Roll the ball to me
One Two
I roll the ball to youOne two three
Roll the ball to me
One Two
I roll the ball to you.World Music Dance: America – Vivir Mi Vida – Marc Anthony – Salsa
Activity Instructions:
Introduce the song, and give some background, then let children and parents dance to the song.
Musical Exploration
Activity Instructions:
Dump a variety bucket of instruments out for children to play and try different instruments. Teacher’s choice on background music, make sure that the song lyrics are clean and the topic is child-appropriate. You may want to find out some of your participants favorite popular songs and include them here!
Musical Game: 123, identify me
00 - Grand Piano, 48 - Tuba, 62 - PiccoloActivity Instructions:
Print out pictures of Keyboard, Tuba, and Piccolo before class. Show the children each picture, and play the matching tone on the keyboard. Then hang the pictures around the room. The children will start in the center of the room. You will play a sound, and they have to go to the matching picture. Try to play in three different octaves (ie C3 tuba, C4 piano, C5 piccolo) so pitch as well as tone quality can help them distinguish between the different sounds.
Puppet: My Little Brown Dog
Activity Instructions:
Use puppet to sing song to children.
Lyrics:Ruff Ruff Ruff said my little brown dog
I wanna come out and play
Ruff Ruff Ruff said my little brown dog
as he waggled his tail awayRuff ruff said my dog, as he dug for a bone,
Ruff Ruff, what can I go fetch ?
Ruff Ruff, said my dog, as he ran for a hug
Ruff Ruff, what can I go catch?Ruff Ruff Ruff said my little brown dog
I wanna come out and play
Ruff Ruff Ruff said my little brown dog
as he waggled his tail awayRuff ruff said my dog, as he looked for some food
Ruff Ruff, please it’s time to eat
Ruff Ruff, could I have some water too?
Ruff Ruff, could I have a treat?Ruff Ruff Ruff said my little brown dog
I wanna come out and play
Ruff Ruff Ruff said my little brown dog
as he waggled his tail awayGoodbye Song
Pattern 12, Tempo 8Activity Instructions:
Start rhythm on keyboard. Then sing song, putting each child’s name in the song. Adjust the ending based on the number of children you have – feel free to repeat or not, and add goodbyes to mommies, daddies, instruments, etc, if needed to finish the musical phrasing, depending upon the size of your class.
Lyrics:Goodbye, Cya later, adios my friends
Our time in Rockin’ Rhythms class has come to an end
au revoir, auf wiedersehen, bon voyage, chiao
Until we meet again my friends, I’ll say goodbye for now|: Goodbye [Name goes here]
Goodbye [Name here]
Goodbye [Name goes here]
Goodbye [Name here]
Goodbye [Name goes here]
Goodbye [Name here]
We’ll rock again next time :|Coming In Classical: Mozart – 12 variations in C on Ah! vous dirai-je, maman
Activity Instructions:
Play in background before class as students and parents enter. Allow children to play with an instrument not used in the lesson plan.
Historical information:Twelve Variations on “Ah vous dirai-je, Maman”, K. 265/300e, is a piano composition by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, composed when he was around 25 years old (1781 or 1782). This piece consists of twelve variations on the French folk song “Ah! vous dirai-je, maman”. The French melody first appeared in 1761, and has been used for many children’s songs, such as “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”, “Baa, Baa, Black Sheep” and the “Alphabet Song”. (from Wikipedia)
Kid Rock Hello Song
Pattern 01, Tempo 5Activity Instructions:
Call children to circle. Start rhythm on Keyboard, and use each child’s name in the song.
Lyrics:I’m gonna rock rock rock with with my big kids
Rock, rock rock with my big kids
Rock, rock rock with my big kids
in Rockin’ Rhythms music classLet’s all rock with [Name Here]
Let’s all rock with [Name Here or “together”]
Let’s all rock with [Name Here or “and have fun”]
in Rockin’ Rhythms music classSong w/Instrument: Tapping on My Drum
Activity Instructions:
Pass out instruments to children. Allow them time to explore hitting the drum with their hands, fingertips, and mallets. Tap the drum on the word “tap,” then keep the beat in the final 2 measures. Repeat several times.
Lyrics:Tap, tap, tap (x6)
Tapping on my drumBody Awareness: I’m Gonna Clap My Hands
Activity Instructions:
Invite everyone to stand, practice motions if desired (clap hands, stomp feet, wiggle fingers, tap knees). Then start track and begin song, following the directions for motions in the song. Repeat as desired.
Lyrics:I’m gonna clap my hands (clap clap)
I’m gonna stamp my feet (stomp stomp)
I’m gonna wiggle my fingers (wiggle fingers)
I’m gonna tap my knees (tap tap)
I’m gonna stand up tall and turn around (turn around)
And around and around and around and around
Let’s dance…. let’s dance…. let’s da–ance…. let’s dance…
let’s dance…. let’s dance… now lets all stop and do it againI’m gonna clap my hands (clap clap)
I’m gonna stamp my feet (stomp stomp)
I’m gonna wiggle my fingers (wiggle fingers)
I’m gonna tap my knees (tap tap)
I’m gonna stand up tall and turn around
And around and around and around and around
Let’s dance…. let’s dance…. let’s da–ance…. let’s dance…
let’s dance…. let’s dance… there’s no more time to do it againAlphabet Song w/Instrument: Letter A – A Silly Song-Story
Activity Instructions:
Show the children a picture of the letter A. Talk about the things in the song story that start with the Letter A: apple, ant, archer, arrow, alphabet, alligator, then sing the silly story several times.
Lyrics:The ARCHER he AIMED with his ARROW
For an APPLE on top of my head
But I shook and I shook ’cause that ARROW was scary
and down fell my APPLE insteadThen ANTS who were carrying french fries
while singing the ALPHABET SONG
They put down their french fries to lift up my APPLE
ANOTHER friend, He came alongChomp chomp went my friend ALLIGATOR
Well, it looks like no APPLES for me.
The ‘gator he snuck in and ATE my poor APPLE
It’s now in the ‘gators belly.Solfege Song: Row Your Boat
Activity Instructions:
Hand out microphones. Say hello to each of the kids. Ask the children what songs they would like to sing.
Then transition into solfege. Have them sing Do, Re, Mi Fa, Sol, Fa, Mi, Re, then Do (repeat several times, be silly)
Sing syllables one phrase at a time, repeat phrase with parents.
Afterwards, sing song on words.Do, Do, Do Re Me – 11123
Mi Re Mi Fa Sol – 32345
Do Do Do Sol Sol Sol Mi Mi Mi Do Do Do – 888 555 333 111
Sol Fa Mi Re Do – 54321Song w/Pitched Instrument: Walking Up the Scale
Activity Instructions:
Have children make a line. Pass out boomwhackers for children in pitches from C-G. Allow children to explore hitting them on the floor. Teacher asks “who has red? who has orange? etc. and make sure each child knows what color they have” Ask children to hit the boomwhacker on the ground when you say the name of the color they have. As they hit the boomwhacker on the ground, you also hit the same note/color on the xylophone. Then introduce song, saying color names and hitting xylophone note as children hit boomwhackers on the floor.
Composing Activity: Lyricist Mad Lib 1
Activity Instructions:
Tell the children you have a song for them – but you need their help to write the words – lyrics. Ask each child for a place, person, size, and object. Then insert their lyrics into the song, like you would in a mad lib.
Lyrics:I am go-ing to [a place]
[per-son] takes me to [a place]
I am go-ing to [a place]
To buy/get a [size of] [ob-ject]Song w/Ball: 123, Roll the Ball
Activity Instructions:
Pair up students, then allow children to practice rolling the ball, then begin song. Depending upon age and ability level, see if children can roll the ball to their partner when you say “roll” in the song. Repeat several times. With a small class, you might sit in a circle and play with everyone instead of pairing off.
Lyrics:One Two Three
Roll the ball to me
One Two
I roll the ball to youOne two three
Roll the ball to me
One Two
I roll the ball to you.World Music Dance: America – Vivir Mi Vida – Marc Anthony – Salsa
Activity Instructions:
Introduce the song, and give some background, then let children and parents dance to the song.
Musical Exploration
Activity Instructions:
Dump a variety bucket of instruments out for children to play and try different instruments. Teacher’s choice on background music, make sure that the song lyrics are clean and the topic is child-appropriate. You may want to find out some of your participants favorite popular songs and include them here!
Musical Game: 123, identify me
00 - Grand Piano, 48 - Tuba, 62 - PiccoloActivity Instructions:
Print out pictures of Keyboard, Tuba, and Piccolo before class. Show the children each picture, and play the matching tone on the keyboard. Then hang the pictures around the room. The children will start in the center of the room. You will play a sound, and they have to go to the matching picture. Try to play in three different octaves (ie C3 tuba, C4 piano, C5 piccolo) so pitch as well as tone quality can help them distinguish between the different sounds.
Puppet: My Little Brown Dog
Activity Instructions:
Use puppet to sing song to children.
Lyrics:Ruff Ruff Ruff said my little brown dog
I wanna come out and play
Ruff Ruff Ruff said my little brown dog
as he waggled his tail awayRuff ruff said my dog, as he dug for a bone,
Ruff Ruff, what can I go fetch ?
Ruff Ruff, said my dog, as he ran for a hug
Ruff Ruff, what can I go catch?Ruff Ruff Ruff said my little brown dog
I wanna come out and play
Ruff Ruff Ruff said my little brown dog
as he waggled his tail awayRuff ruff said my dog, as he looked for some food
Ruff Ruff, please it’s time to eat
Ruff Ruff, could I have some water too?
Ruff Ruff, could I have a treat?Ruff Ruff Ruff said my little brown dog
I wanna come out and play
Ruff Ruff Ruff said my little brown dog
as he waggled his tail awayGoodbye Song
Pattern 12, Tempo 8Activity Instructions:
Start rhythm on keyboard. Then sing song, putting each child’s name in the song. Adjust the ending based on the number of children you have – feel free to repeat or not, and add goodbyes to mommies, daddies, instruments, etc, if needed to finish the musical phrasing, depending upon the size of your class.
Lyrics:Goodbye, Cya later, adios my friends
Our time in Rockin’ Rhythms class has come to an end
au revoir, auf wiedersehen, bon voyage, chiao
Until we meet again my friends, I’ll say goodbye for now|: Goodbye [Name goes here]
Goodbye [Name here]
Goodbye [Name goes here]
Goodbye [Name here]
Goodbye [Name goes here]
Goodbye [Name here]
We’ll rock again next time :|
Kid Rock
Family Rock
Coming In Classical: Mozart – 12 variations in C on Ah! vous dirai-je, maman
Activity Instructions:
Play in background before class as students and parents enter. Allow children to play with an instrument not used in the lesson plan.
Historical information:Twelve Variations on “Ah vous dirai-je, Maman”, K. 265/300e, is a piano composition by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, composed when he was around 25 years old (1781 or 1782). This piece consists of twelve variations on the French folk song “Ah! vous dirai-je, maman”. The French melody first appeared in 1761, and has been used for many children’s songs, such as “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”, “Baa, Baa, Black Sheep” and the “Alphabet Song”. (from Wikipedia)
Family Rock Hello Song
Pattern 01, Tempo 5Activity Instructions:
Call children to circle. Start rhythm on Keyboard, and use each child’s name in the song.
Lyrics:I’m gonna rock rock rock with with my families
Rock, rock rock with my families
Rock, rock rock with my families
in Rockin’ Rhythms music classLet’s all rock with [Name Here]
Let’s all rock with [Name Here or “together”]
Let’s all rock with [Name Here or “and have fun”]
in Rockin’ Rhythms music classSong w/Instrument: Tapping on My Drum
Activity Instructions:
Pass out instruments to children. Allow them time to explore hitting the drum with their hands, fingertips, and mallets. Tap the drum on the word “tap,” then keep the beat in the final 2 measures. Repeat several times.
Lyrics:Tap, tap, tap (x6)
Tapping on my drumPeek-a-boo: Where is Baby
Activity Instructions:
Pass out scarves, explore, playing peek-a-boo. Then begin singing song as you play. Sing several times. You may also subsitite the child’s name for “baby.”
Lyrics:Where is baby? Where did he go?
I can’t find him! Oh No!
Where is baby where did he go?
Five four three two one: Peek-a-boo!Color or Shape Song: SHAPE: Circles All Around
Activity Instructions:
Pass out tambourines. Ask children if they can find any circles. (The head and the zils). Then introduce the song.
Lyrics:Like a steering wheel, the wheels on a car
The colors on a stoplight, like your favorite ball,
There are circles all around (no cor-ners, no sides)
There are circles all around (no cor-ners no sides)
There are circles all around, will you find a circle, too?Like a polka dot (or poly spot), a pizza pie
like a tambourine, like the Sun in the sky…
There are circles all around (no corners, no sides)
There are circles all around (no corners no sides)
There are circles all around, will you find a circle, too?Like the bottom of a cup, a basketball hoop,
Like our belly buttons and our eyes too
There are circles all around (no corners, no sides)
There are circles all around (no corners no sides)
There are circles all around, will you find a circle, too?Body Awareness: I’m Gonna Clap My Hands
Activity Instructions:
Invite everyone to stand, practice motions if desired (clap hands, stomp feet, wiggle fingers, tap knees). Then start track and begin song, following the directions for motions in the song. Repeat as desired.
Lyrics:I’m gonna clap my hands (clap clap)
I’m gonna stamp my feet (stomp stomp)
I’m gonna wiggle my fingers (wiggle fingers)
I’m gonna tap my knees (tap tap)
I’m gonna stand up tall and turn around (turn around)
And around and around and around and around
Let’s dance…. let’s dance…. let’s da–ance…. let’s dance…
let’s dance…. let’s dance… now lets all stop and do it againI’m gonna clap my hands (clap clap)
I’m gonna stamp my feet (stomp stomp)
I’m gonna wiggle my fingers (wiggle fingers)
I’m gonna tap my knees (tap tap)
I’m gonna stand up tall and turn around
And around and around and around and around
Let’s dance…. let’s dance…. let’s da–ance…. let’s dance…
let’s dance…. let’s dance… there’s no more time to do it againSong w/Pitched Instrument: Walking Up the Scale
Activity Instructions:
Have children make a line. Pass out boomwhackers for children in pitches from C-G. Allow children to explore hitting them on the floor. Teacher asks “who has red? who has orange? etc. and make sure each child knows what color they have” Ask children to hit the boomwhacker on the ground when you say the name of the color they have. As they hit the boomwhacker on the ground, you also hit the same note/color on the xylophone. Then introduce song, saying color names and hitting xylophone note as children hit boomwhackers on the floor.
Solfege Song: Row Your Boat
Activity Instructions:
Hand out microphones. Say hello to each of the kids. Ask the children what songs they would like to sing.
Then transition into solfege. Have them sing Do, Re, Mi Fa, Sol, Fa, Mi, Re, then Do (repeat several times, be silly)
Sing syllables one phrase at a time, repeat phrase with parents.
Afterwards, sing song on words.Do, Do, Do Re Me – 11123
Mi Re Mi Fa Sol – 32345
Do Do Do Sol Sol Sol Mi Mi Mi Do Do Do – 888 555 333 111
Sol Fa Mi Re Do – 54321Song w/Ball: 123, Roll the Ball
Activity Instructions:
Pair up students, then allow children to practice rolling the ball, then begin song. Depending upon age and ability level, see if children can roll the ball to their partner when you say “roll” in the song. Repeat several times. With a small class, you might sit in a circle and play with everyone instead of pairing off.
Lyrics:One Two Three
Roll the ball to me
One Two
I roll the ball to youOne two three
Roll the ball to me
One Two
I roll the ball to you.World Music Dance: America – Vivir Mi Vida – Marc Anthony – Salsa
Activity Instructions:
Introduce the song, and give some background, then let children and parents dance to the song.
Musical Exploration
Activity Instructions:
Dump a variety bucket of instruments out for children to play and try different instruments. Teacher’s choice on background music, make sure that the song lyrics are clean and the topic is child-appropriate. You may want to find out some of your participants favorite popular songs and include them here!
Musical Composition Activity: Lyricist Mad Lib 1
Activity Instructions:
Tell the children you have a song for them – but you need their help to write the words – lyrics. Ask each child for a place, person, size, and object. Then insert their lyrics into the song, like you would in a mad lib.
Lyrics:I am go-ing to [a place]
[per-son] takes me to [a place]
I am go-ing to [a place]
To buy/get a [size of] [ob-ject]Musical Game: 123, identify me
00 - Grand Piano, 48 - Tuba, 62 - PiccoloActivity Instructions:
Print out pictures of Keyboard, Tuba, and Piccolo before class. Show the children each picture, and play the matching tone on the keyboard. Then hang the pictures around the room. The children will start in the center of the room. You will play a sound, and they have to go to the matching picture. Try to play in three different octaves (ie C3 tuba, C4 piano, C5 piccolo) so pitch as well as tone quality can help them distinguish between the different sounds.
Puppet: My Little Brown Dog
Activity Instructions:
Use puppet to sing song to children.
Lyrics:Ruff Ruff Ruff said my little brown dog
I wanna come out and play
Ruff Ruff Ruff said my little brown dog
as he waggled his tail awayRuff ruff said my dog, as he dug for a bone,
Ruff Ruff, what can I go fetch ?
Ruff Ruff, said my dog, as he ran for a hug
Ruff Ruff, what can I go catch?Ruff Ruff Ruff said my little brown dog
I wanna come out and play
Ruff Ruff Ruff said my little brown dog
as he waggled his tail awayRuff ruff said my dog, as he looked for some food
Ruff Ruff, please it’s time to eat
Ruff Ruff, could I have some water too?
Ruff Ruff, could I have a treat?Ruff Ruff Ruff said my little brown dog
I wanna come out and play
Ruff Ruff Ruff said my little brown dog
as he waggled his tail awayGoodbye Song
Pattern 12, Tempo 8Activity Instructions:
Start rhythm on keyboard. Then sing song, putting each child’s name in the song. Adjust the ending based on the number of children you have – feel free to repeat or not, and add goodbyes to mommies, daddies, instruments, etc, if needed to finish the musical phrasing, depending upon the size of your class.
Lyrics:Goodbye, Cya later, adios my friends
Our time in Rockin’ Rhythms class has come to an end
au revoir, auf wiedersehen, bon voyage, chiao
Until we meet again my friends, I’ll say goodbye for now|: Goodbye [Name goes here]
Goodbye [Name here]
Goodbye [Name goes here]
Goodbye [Name here]
Goodbye [Name goes here]
Goodbye [Name here]
We’ll rock again next time :|
Tot Rock
©2018 Rockin' Rhythms Music. All Rights Reserved.
Questions or Comments? email julie@rockinrhythms.com