Baby Rock

  • Coming in Classical: Haydn – Surprise Symphony, 2nd Movement

    Activity Instructions:

    Play song as children are entering the room, allow them to play with an instrument not used in today’s lesson plan.

  • Baby Rock Hello

    Pattern 01, Tempo 5

    Activity Instructions:

    Call children to circle. Start rhythm on Keyboard, and use each child’s name in the song.


    I’m gonna rock rock rock with with my baby
    Rock, rock rock with my baby
    Rock, rock rock with my baby
    in Rockin’ Rhythms music class

    Let’s all rock with [Name Here]
    Let’s all rock with [Name Here or “together”]
    Let’s all rock with [Name Here or “and have fun”]
    in Rockin’ Rhythms music class

  • Song w/Instrument: Shake and Shake and… Hit


    Activity Instructions:

    Pass out tambourines. Allow children to explore hitting, tapping, and shaking the tambourine. With Kid Rock, tap different rhythms, and have children echo them back to you.

    Then sing the song. Feel free to change lyrics to “tap and stop” and tap the head of the tambourine on your head, elbow, or knee, or put the tambourine on the floor and tap head of tambourine like a drum.


    Shake and Shake and shake and shake and shake and shake and Hit x4

    1111 3333 2222 low 5
    1111 3333 2222 5
    1111 3333 2222 low 5
    5555 5555 54321

  • Lapride: Row Your Boat Lapride

    Activity Instructions:

    Have children sit on parents laps, and follow directions in the song! 


    Row, Row, Row your boat (bounce)
    Gently down the stream
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily 
    Life is but a dream

    Row row row your boat, (bump)
    On the bumpy seas
    Bouncing bouncing all around
    in the ocean breeze

    Row row row your boat
    rocking side to side
    splashing down the riverfront
    on a choppy ride.

    Row row row your boat (move legs together up and down)
    on the ocean waves
    up and down and up and down
    up and down and up and down
    up and down and up and down
    Careful don’t fall in (part legs and drop child gently onto carpet)

  • Song w/Instrument: 6/8 time


    Activity Instructions:

    Pass out triangles, have children hold triangle by the ball, and hit using the striker. (Baby Rock children may just listen to mom tap or use the striker only) Also, demonstrate a triangle roll (striker in the middle and go quickly back and forth at the top of the triangle)

    Have children tap the beat in 6/8 time, using the striker, as you sing the song.


    123 456 striking in 6/8 time
    123 456 stop
    123 456 striking in 6/8 time
    6 beats and eighth notes get 1

  • Peek-a-boo w/scarves: Arpeggio Boo


    Activity Instructions:

    Pass out transparent scarves. Pull off, and say boo! Interact with each of the children. Then sing the song, interacting with each of the children.


    Peek-a-boo, Peek-a-boo 135 135
    I see you, I see you 146 146
    Peek-a-boo, [Peek-aboo or NAME] 725 725
    Peek-a-boo, BOO! 111 8

  • Signing Song: Dance

    Activity Instructions:

    Show parents how to make the sign, then sing the song through several times, using the sign.


    I put my fingers in a V
    in a V, in a V
    I put my fingers in a V
    and dance them on my hand

    I put my fingers in a V
    in a V, in a V
    I put my fingers in a V
    and dance them on my hand
    That’s how I say dance.

  • Song w/Ball: Elongated Ball Song

    Activity Instructions:

    Pass out balls and have children practice tapping, rolling, and bouncing the ball. Then play song and follow motions.


    Come on————– and tap the ball with me
    Come on————– and tap the ball with me
    All my friends————– tap the ball with me
    Come on————– and tap the ball with me


    Come on————– and roll the ball with me
    Come on————– and roll the ball with me
    All my friends————– roll the ball with me
    Come on————– and roll the ball with me


    Come on————– and bounce the ball with me
    Come on————– and bounce the ball with me
    All my friends————– bounce the ball with me
    Come on————– and bounce the ball with me

  • World Music Dance: South Korean – Call Me Baby – EXO

    Activity Instructions:

    Our song this week is a pop song from South Korea! Pass out scarves, dance and explore different age-appropriate movements during the song.
    Baby Rock ideas: Bouncing, jumping, swaying, spinning around in a circle
    Tot Rock ideas: All of the above, and walking, running, spinning, jumping, throwing scarves in the air, freestyle (“show me your moves”)
    Kid Rock ideas: all of the above, and skipping, galloping, walking backward, juggling scarves

  • Baby Rock Exploration

    Activity Instructions:

    Dump a variety bucket of instruments out for children to play with. Allow them to explore and try different instruments. Please make sure there is nothing sharp or swallowable. Teacher’s choice on music, make sure that the song lyrics are clean and the topic is child-appropriate. You may want to find out some of your participants favorite popular songs and include them here!

  • Song Time
    Sing through favorite songs of children. You may choose to introduce the english only to the solfege song from other levels.

  • Puppet: Waddle Penguin

    Activity Instructions:

    Get out the penguin puppet. Talk through some of the penguin facts in the song with Tot Rock and Kid Rock. Penguins can drink salt water. Their black helps them not be seen from above the surface of the water, their bellys being white helps them blend in with the sun by predators from below looking up at them. The spend half of their time on land, and the other half swimming in the water. Then sing through song. Be playful interacting with the penguin during the instrumental parts of the song.


    Waddle Waddle Waddle Waddle
    goes the penguin side to side
    Waddle Waddle Waddle Waddle
    goes the penguin on the ice
    Waddle Waddle Waddle Waddle
    goes the penguin side to side

    VERSE 1) He drinks water from the sea
    Catches fish so they can eat

    VERSE 2) His back is black, his belly white
    Camouflage so he can hide

    VERSE 3) He doesn’t fly, he swims around,
    Half time in water, half on ground

  • Lullaby: Hansel & Gretl Evening Prayer

    Activity Instructions:

    Play song and have parents rock their children, seated or standing.
    Allow children to play with a quiet instrument (bells, egg shakers, or rainsticks)

  • Goodbye Song

    Pattern 12, Tempo 8

    Activity Instructions:

    Start rhythm on keyboard. Then sing song, putting each child’s name in the song. Adjust the ending based on the number of children you have – feel free to repeat or not, and add goodbyes to mommies, daddies, instruments, etc, if needed to finish the musical phrasing, depending upon the size of your class.


    Goodbye, Cya later, adios my friends
    Our time in Rockin’ Rhythms class has come to an end
    au revoir, auf wiedersehen, bon voyage, chiao
    Until we meet again my friends, I’ll say goodbye for now

    |: Goodbye [Name goes here]
        Goodbye [Name here]
        Goodbye [Name goes here]
        Goodbye [Name here]
        Goodbye [Name goes here]
        Goodbye [Name here]
        We’ll rock again next time :|

    Tot Rock

  • Coming in Classical: Haydn – Surprise Symphony, 2nd Movement

    Activity Instructions:

    Play song as children are entering the room, allow them to play with an instrument not used in today’s lesson plan.

  • Tot Rock Hello

    Pattern 01, Tempo 5

    Activity Instructions:

    Call children to circle. Start rhythm on Keyboard, and use each child’s name in the song.


    I’m gonna rock rock rock with with my Tots
    Rock, rock rock with my Tots
    Rock, rock rock with my Tots
    in Rockin’ Rhythms music class

    Let’s all rock with [Name Here]
    Let’s all rock with [Name Here or “together”]
    Let’s all rock with [Name Here or “and have fun”]
    in Rockin’ Rhythms music class

  • Song w/Instrument: Shake and Shake and… Hit


    Activity Instructions:

    Pass out tambourines. Allow children to explore hitting, tapping, and shaking the tambourine. With Kid Rock, tap different rhythms, and have children echo them back to you.

    Then sing the song. Feel free to change lyrics to “tap and stop” and tap the head of the tambourine on your head, elbow, or knee, or put the tambourine on the floor and tap head of tambourine like a drum.


    Shake and Shake and shake and shake and shake and shake and Hit x4

    1111 3333 2222 low 5
    1111 3333 2222 5
    1111 3333 2222 low 5
    5555 5555 54321

  • Lapride: Row Your Boat Lapride

    Activity Instructions:

    Have children sit on parents laps, and follow directions in the song! 


    Row, Row, Row your boat (bounce)
    Gently down the stream
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily 
    Life is but a dream

    Row row row your boat, (bump)
    On the bumpy seas
    Bouncing bouncing all around
    in the ocean breeze

    Row row row your boat
    rocking side to side
    splashing down the riverfront
    on a choppy ride.

    Row row row your boat (move legs together up and down)
    on the ocean waves
    up and down and up and down
    up and down and up and down
    up and down and up and down
    Careful don’t fall in (part legs and drop child gently onto carpet)

  • Color or Shape Song w/Instrument: Racecar Colors

    Activity Instructions:

    Explain to children that they are going to get to be racecars for the color activity this week. Lay out pairs of objects in a circle that are the same color (ie hockey pucks, beanbags, cones, or even construction paper would work). Show them the different “finish lines” they need to walk through and have them identify each of the colors. Then sing the song and run around the track in between the colors, and stop at the color you prompt with the song.


    Run around the track
    Run around the track
    Run around the track –
    and find the [yellow] finish line

  • Song w/Instrument: 6/8 time


    Activity Instructions:

    Pass out triangles, have children hold triangle by the ball, and hit using the striker. (Baby Rock children may just listen to mom tap or use the striker only) Also, demonstrate a triangle roll (striker in the middle and go quickly back and forth at the top of the triangle)

    Have children tap the beat in 6/8 time, using the striker, as you sing the song.


    123 456 striking in 6/8 time
    123 456 stop
    123 456 striking in 6/8 time
    6 beats and eighth notes get 1

  • Body Awareness: Robot Dance

    Activity Instructions:

    Invite everyone to stand up for the song. Practice clapping, stomping, then show them “robot moves”
    Then start song.


    C’mon and clap your hands with me x4
    C’mon and jump along with me x 4
    Do the Robot
    (repeats x3 with longer Robot section on end)

  • Solfege Song: London Bridge

    Activity Instructions:

    Pass out microphones, and sing some of the children’s favorite songs.

    In Baby Rock, sing the song using the words.
    In Tot and Kid Rock, proceed to solfege. Introduce solfege, singing syllables from Do-Sol-Do. Be silly and repeat the Do on the end. Then sing the song a little bit at a time using solfege syllables, having parents and children repeat the phrase. Finish by singing the song with the words.


    Sol La Sol Fa Mi Fa Sol
    Re Mi Fa Mi Fa Sol
    Sol La Sol Fa Mi Fa Sol
    Re Sol Mi Do

    London Bridge is falling down
    falling down, falling down
    London Bridge is falling down
    My Fair Lady

  • Song w/Ball: Elongated Ball Song

    Activity Instructions:

    Pass out balls and have children practice tapping, rolling, and bouncing the ball. Then play song and follow motions.


    Come on————– and tap the ball with me
    Come on————– and tap the ball with me
    All my friends————– tap the ball with me
    Come on————– and tap the ball with me


    Come on————– and roll the ball with me
    Come on————– and roll the ball with me
    All my friends————– roll the ball with me
    Come on————– and roll the ball with me


    Come on————– and bounce the ball with me
    Come on————– and bounce the ball with me
    All my friends————– bounce the ball with me
    Come on————– and bounce the ball with me

  • World Music Dance: South Korean – Call Me Baby – EXO

    Activity Instructions:

    Our song this week is a pop song from South Korea! Pass out scarves, dance and explore different age-appropriate movements during the song.
    Baby Rock ideas: Bouncing, jumping, swaying, spinning around in a circle
    Tot Rock ideas: All of the above, and walking, running, spinning, jumping, throwing scarves in the air, freestyle (“show me your moves”)
    Kid Rock ideas: all of the above, and skipping, galloping, walking backward, juggling scarves

  • Musical Exploration

    Activity Instructions:

    Dump a variety bucket of instruments out for children to play and try different instruments. Teacher’s choice on background music, make sure that the song lyrics are clean and the topic is child-appropriate. You may want to find out some of your participants favorite popular songs and include them here!

  • Musical Game: EGBDF – Lines

    Activity Instructions:

    Have children repeat after you “Every Good Boy Does Fine” EGBDF are the notes in the treble clef, from the bottom to the top.
    Then show children each of the notes on the wall. Sing song, indicating which line to run to each time you sing through.

    With Kid Rock, test knowledge on music carpet after playing the game by grabbing an egg shaker and placing it on the lines, prompt students if they need help by counting up each line using Every Good Boy Does Fine.


    Every Good Boy Does Fine
    that’s how we remember the lines
    EGBDF in the treble clef
    From the bottom to the top until we stop
    Every Good Boy Does Fine,
    Will you touch the “E” line

  • Puppet: Waddle Penguin

    Activity Instructions:

    Get out the penguin puppet. Talk through some of the penguin facts in the song with Tot Rock and Kid Rock. Penguins can drink salt water. Their black helps them not be seen from above the surface of the water, their bellys being white helps them blend in with the sun by predators from below looking up at them. The spend half of their time on land, and the other half swimming in the water. Then sing through song. Be playful interacting with the penguin during the instrumental parts of the song.


    Waddle Waddle Waddle Waddle
    goes the penguin side to side
    Waddle Waddle Waddle Waddle
    goes the penguin on the ice
    Waddle Waddle Waddle Waddle
    goes the penguin side to side

    VERSE 1) He drinks water from the sea
    Catches fish so they can eat

    VERSE 2) His back is black, his belly white
    Camouflage so he can hide

    VERSE 3) He doesn’t fly, he swims around,
    Half time in water, half on ground

  • Goodbye Song

    Pattern 12, Tempo 8

    Activity Instructions:

    Start rhythm on keyboard. Then sing song, putting each child’s name in the song. Adjust the ending based on the number of children you have – feel free to repeat or not, and add goodbyes to mommies, daddies, instruments, etc, if needed to finish the musical phrasing, depending upon the size of your class.


    Goodbye, Cya later, adios my friends
    Our time in Rockin’ Rhythms class has come to an end
    au revoir, auf wiedersehen, bon voyage, chiao
    Until we meet again my friends, I’ll say goodbye for now

    |: Goodbye [Name goes here]
        Goodbye [Name here]
        Goodbye [Name goes here]
        Goodbye [Name here]
        Goodbye [Name goes here]
        Goodbye [Name here]
        We’ll rock again next time :|

    Kid Rock

  • Coming In Classical: Haydn – Surprise Symphony, 2nd Movement

    Activity Instructions:

    Play song as children are entering the room, allow them to play with an instrument not used in today’s lesson plan.

  • Kid Rock Hello Song

    Pattern 01, Tempo 5

    Activity Instructions:

    Call children to circle. Start rhythm on Keyboard, and use each child’s name in the song.


    I’m gonna rock rock rock with with my big kids
    Rock, rock rock with my big kids
    Rock, rock rock with my big kids
    in Rockin’ Rhythms music class

    Let’s all rock with [Name Here]
    Let’s all rock with [Name Here or “together”]
    Let’s all rock with [Name Here or “and have fun”]
    in Rockin’ Rhythms music class

  • Song w/Instrument: Shake and Shake and… Hit


    Activity Instructions:

    Pass out tambourines. Allow children to explore hitting, tapping, and shaking the tambourine. With Kid Rock, tap different rhythms, and have children echo them back to you.

    Then sing the song. Feel free to change lyrics to “tap and stop” and tap the head of the tambourine on your head, elbow, or knee, or put the tambourine on the floor and tap head of tambourine like a drum.


    Shake and Shake and shake and shake and shake and shake and Hit x4

    1111 3333 2222 low 5
    1111 3333 2222 5
    1111 3333 2222 low 5
    5555 5555 54321

  • Body Awareness: Robot Dance

    Activity Instructions:

    Invite everyone to stand up for the song. Practice clapping, stomping, then show them “robot moves”
    Then start song.


    C’mon and clap your hands with me x4
    C’mon and jump along with me x 4
    Do the Robot
    (repeats x3 with longer Robot section on end)

  • Alphabet Song w/Instrument: Letter V – The Man in the Van

    Activity Instructions:

    Have students find the letter V on the alphabet chart. Then talk about the words that start with the letter V in the song, before singing the silly song.


    The man in the Van played the Violin,
    delivered a Vase and a Valentine
    The man in the Van played the Violin,
    eating Veggies in his Vest

    The man in the Van played the Violin,
    delivered a Vase and a Valentine
    The man in the Van Voted Victory
    then he Vacuumed the Volcano

  • Solfege Song: London Bridge

    Activity Instructions:

    Pass out microphones, and sing some of the children’s favorite songs.

    In Baby Rock, sing the song using the words.
    In Tot and Kid Rock, proceed to solfege. Introduce solfege, singing syllables from Do-Sol-Do. Be silly and repeat the Do on the end. Then sing the song a little bit at a time using solfege syllables, having parents and children repeat the phrase. Finish by singing the song with the words.


    Sol La Sol Fa Mi Fa Sol
    Re Mi Fa Mi Fa Sol
    Sol La Sol Fa Mi Fa Sol
    Re Sol Mi Do

    London Bridge is falling down
    falling down, falling down
    London Bridge is falling down
    My Fair Lady

  • Song w/Pitched Instrument: Ring Around the Rosie


    Activity Instructions:

    Pass out bells. Call out each of the colors, and have children ring the bell. (If they are ringing out of turn, try to have the children put bells on the ground in between rings, which will mute the sound.) Then play the song several times through, switching bell colors in between.


    GGE AGE – Turquoise Turquoise Yellow Blue Turquoise Yellow – Ring Around the Rosie
    EGGE AGE – Yellow Turquoise Turquoise Yellow Blue Turquoise Yellow – A pocket full of posies
    GE GE – Turquoise Yellow Turquoise Yellow – Ashes ashes
    EGG C – Yellow Turquoise Turquoise Red – We all fall down

  • Composing Activity: Musical Madlib – Darling Clementine

    Activity Instructions:

    If parents are actively participating, pass out sheets to students, have parents help them fill in the blanks. Otherwise, you the teacher fill in the blanks, asking each student for 2 animals, one action word (like jumping, spinning, flying, running), and one food that they like. Then sing everyone’s songs through several times.


    I am writing,
    I am writing,
    I am writing my own song
    ANIMAL1 and ANIMAL2 –
    they are ACTION-
    eating FOOD and having fun

  • Song w/Ball: Elongated Ball Song

    Activity Instructions:

    Pass out balls and have children practice tapping, rolling, and bouncing the ball. Then play song and follow motions.


    Come on————– and tap the ball with me
    Come on————– and tap the ball with me
    All my friends————– tap the ball with me
    Come on————– and tap the ball with me


    Come on————– and roll the ball with me
    Come on————– and roll the ball with me
    All my friends————– roll the ball with me
    Come on————– and roll the ball with me


    Come on————– and bounce the ball with me
    Come on————– and bounce the ball with me
    All my friends————– bounce the ball with me
    Come on————– and bounce the ball with me

  • World Music Dance: South Korean – Call Me Baby – EXO

    Activity Instructions:

    Our song this week is a pop song from South Korea! Pass out scarves, dance and explore different age-appropriate movements during the song.
    Baby Rock ideas: Bouncing, jumping, swaying, spinning around in a circle
    Tot Rock ideas: All of the above, and walking, running, spinning, jumping, throwing scarves in the air, freestyle (“show me your moves”)
    Kid Rock ideas: all of the above, and skipping, galloping, walking backward, juggling scarves

  • Musical Exploration

    Activity Instructions:

    Dump a variety bucket of instruments out for children to play and try different instruments. Teacher’s choice on background music, make sure that the song lyrics are clean and the topic is child-appropriate. You may want to find out some of your participants favorite popular songs and include them here!

  • Musical Game: EGBDF – Lines

    Activity Instructions:

    Have children repeat after you “Every Good Boy Does Fine” EGBDF are the notes in the treble clef, from the bottom to the top.
    Then show children each of the notes on the wall. Sing song, indicating which line to run to each time you sing through.

    With Kid Rock, test knowledge on music carpet after playing the game by grabbing an egg shaker and placing it on the lines, prompt students if they need help by counting up each line using Every Good Boy Does Fine.


    Every Good Boy Does Fine
    that’s how we remember the lines
    EGBDF in the treble clef
    From the bottom to the top until we stop
    Every Good Boy Does Fine,
    Will you touch the “E” line

  • Puppet: Waddle Penguin

    Activity Instructions:

    Get out the penguin puppet. Talk through some of the penguin facts in the song with Tot Rock and Kid Rock. Penguins can drink salt water. Their black helps them not be seen from above the surface of the water, their bellys being white helps them blend in with the sun by predators from below looking up at them. The spend half of their time on land, and the other half swimming in the water. Then sing through song. Be playful interacting with the penguin during the instrumental parts of the song.


    Waddle Waddle Waddle Waddle
    goes the penguin side to side
    Waddle Waddle Waddle Waddle
    goes the penguin on the ice
    Waddle Waddle Waddle Waddle
    goes the penguin side to side

    VERSE 1) He drinks water from the sea
    Catches fish so they can eat

    VERSE 2) His back is black, his belly white
    Camouflage so he can hide

    VERSE 3) He doesn’t fly, he swims around,
    Half time in water, half on ground

  • Goodbye Song

    Pattern 12, Tempo 8

    Activity Instructions:

    Start rhythm on keyboard. Then sing song, putting each child’s name in the song. Adjust the ending based on the number of children you have – feel free to repeat or not, and add goodbyes to mommies, daddies, instruments, etc, if needed to finish the musical phrasing, depending upon the size of your class.


    Goodbye, Cya later, adios my friends
    Our time in Rockin’ Rhythms class has come to an end
    au revoir, auf wiedersehen, bon voyage, chiao
    Until we meet again my friends, I’ll say goodbye for now

    |: Goodbye [Name goes here]
        Goodbye [Name here]
        Goodbye [Name goes here]
        Goodbye [Name here]
        Goodbye [Name goes here]
        Goodbye [Name here]
        We’ll rock again next time :|

Family Rock

  • Coming In Classical: Haydn – Surprise Symphony, 2nd Movement

    Activity Instructions:

    Play song as children are entering the room, allow them to play with an instrument not used in today’s lesson plan.

  • Family Rock Hello Song

    Pattern 01, Tempo 5

    Activity Instructions:

    Call children to circle. Start rhythm on Keyboard, and use each child’s name in the song.


    I’m gonna rock rock rock with with my families
    Rock, rock rock with my families
    Rock, rock rock with my families
    in Rockin’ Rhythms music class

    Let’s all rock with [Name Here]
    Let’s all rock with [Name Here or “together”]
    Let’s all rock with [Name Here or “and have fun”]
    in Rockin’ Rhythms music class

  • Song w/Instrument: Shake and Shake and… Hit


    Activity Instructions:

    Pass out tambourines. Allow children to explore hitting, tapping, and shaking the tambourine. With Kid Rock, tap different rhythms, and have children echo them back to you.

    Then sing the song. Feel free to change lyrics to “tap and stop” and tap the head of the tambourine on your head, elbow, or knee, or put the tambourine on the floor and tap head of tambourine like a drum.


    Shake and Shake and shake and shake and shake and shake and Hit x4

    1111 3333 2222 low 5
    1111 3333 2222 5
    1111 3333 2222 low 5
    5555 5555 54321

  • Peek-a-boo: Arpeggio Boo


    Activity Instructions:

    Pass out transparent scarves. Pull off, and say boo! Interact with each of the children. Then sing the song, interacting with each of the children.


    Peek-a-boo, Peek-a-boo 135 135
    I see you, I see you 146 146
    Peek-a-boo, [Peek-aboo or NAME] 725 725
    Peek-a-boo, BOO! 111 8

  • Color or Shape Song: Racecar Colors

    Activity Instructions:

    Explain to children that they are going to get to be racecars for the color activity this week. Lay out pairs of objects in a circle that are the same color (ie hockey pucks, beanbags, cones, or even construction paper would work). Show them the different “finish lines” they need to walk through and have them identify each of the colors. Then sing the song and run around the track in between the colors, and stop at the color you prompt with the song.


    Run around the track
    Run around the track
    Run around the track –
    and find the [yellow] finish line

  • Body Awareness: Robot Dance

    Activity Instructions:

    Invite everyone to stand up for the song. Practice clapping, stomping, then show them “robot moves”
    Then start song.


    C’mon and clap your hands with me x4
    C’mon and jump along with me x 4
    Do the Robot
    (repeats x3 with longer Robot section on end)

  • Song w/Pitched Instrument: Ring Around the Rosie


    Activity Instructions:

    Pass out bells. Call out each of the colors, and have children ring the bell. (If they are ringing out of turn, try to have the children put bells on the ground in between rings, which will mute the sound.) Then play the song several times through, switching bell colors in between.


    GGE AGE – Turquoise Turquoise Yellow Blue Turquoise Yellow – Ring Around the Rosie
    EGGE AGE – Yellow Turquoise Turquoise Yellow Blue Turquoise Yellow – A pocket full of posies
    GE GE – Turquoise Yellow Turquoise Yellow – Ashes ashes
    EGG C – Yellow Turquoise Turquoise Red – We all fall down

  • Solfege Song: London Bridge

    Activity Instructions:

    Pass out microphones, and sing some of the children’s favorite songs.

    In Baby Rock, sing the song using the words.
    In Tot and Kid Rock, proceed to solfege. Introduce solfege, singing syllables from Do-Sol-Do. Be silly and repeat the Do on the end. Then sing the song a little bit at a time using solfege syllables, having parents and children repeat the phrase. Finish by singing the song with the words.


    Sol La Sol Fa Mi Fa Sol
    Re Mi Fa Mi Fa Sol
    Sol La Sol Fa Mi Fa Sol
    Re Sol Mi Do

    London Bridge is falling down
    falling down, falling down
    London Bridge is falling down
    My Fair Lady

  • Song w/Ball: Elongated Ball Song

    Activity Instructions:

    Pass out balls and have children practice tapping, rolling, and bouncing the ball. Then play song and follow motions.


    Come on————– and tap the ball with me
    Come on————– and tap the ball with me
    All my friends————– tap the ball with me
    Come on————– and tap the ball with me


    Come on————– and roll the ball with me
    Come on————– and roll the ball with me
    All my friends————– roll the ball with me
    Come on————– and roll the ball with me


    Come on————– and bounce the ball with me
    Come on————– and bounce the ball with me
    All my friends————– bounce the ball with me
    Come on————– and bounce the ball with me

  • World Music Dance: South Korean – Call Me Baby – EXO

    Activity Instructions:

    Our song this week is a pop song from South Korea! Pass out scarves, dance and explore different age-appropriate movements during the song.
    Baby Rock ideas: Bouncing, jumping, swaying, spinning around in a circle
    Tot Rock ideas: All of the above, and walking, running, spinning, jumping, throwing scarves in the air, freestyle (“show me your moves”)
    Kid Rock ideas: all of the above, and skipping, galloping, walking backward, juggling scarves

  • Musical Exploration

    Activity Instructions:

    Dump a variety bucket of instruments out for children to play and try different instruments. Teacher’s choice on background music, make sure that the song lyrics are clean and the topic is child-appropriate. You may want to find out some of your participants favorite popular songs and include them here!

  • Musical Composition Activity: Musical Madlib – Darling Clementine

    Activity Instructions:

    If parents are actively participating, pass out sheets to students, have parents help them fill in the blanks. Otherwise, you the teacher fill in the blanks, asking each student for 2 animals, one action word (like jumping, spinning, flying, running), and one food that they like. Then sing everyone’s songs through several times.


    I am writing,
    I am writing,
    I am writing my own song
    ANIMAL1 and ANIMAL2 –
    they are ACTION-
    eating FOOD and having fun

  • Musical Game: EGBDF – Lines

    Activity Instructions:

    Have children repeat after you “Every Good Boy Does Fine” EGBDF are the notes in the treble clef, from the bottom to the top.
    Then show children each of the notes on the wall. Sing song, indicating which line to run to each time you sing through.

    With Kid Rock, test knowledge on music carpet after playing the game by grabbing an egg shaker and placing it on the lines, prompt students if they need help by counting up each line using Every Good Boy Does Fine.


    Every Good Boy Does Fine
    that’s how we remember the lines
    EGBDF in the treble clef
    From the bottom to the top until we stop
    Every Good Boy Does Fine,
    Will you touch the “E” line

  • Puppet: Waddle Penguin

    Activity Instructions:

    Get out the penguin puppet. Talk through some of the penguin facts in the song with Tot Rock and Kid Rock. Penguins can drink salt water. Their black helps them not be seen from above the surface of the water, their bellys being white helps them blend in with the sun by predators from below looking up at them. The spend half of their time on land, and the other half swimming in the water. Then sing through song. Be playful interacting with the penguin during the instrumental parts of the song.


    Waddle Waddle Waddle Waddle
    goes the penguin side to side
    Waddle Waddle Waddle Waddle
    goes the penguin on the ice
    Waddle Waddle Waddle Waddle
    goes the penguin side to side

    VERSE 1) He drinks water from the sea
    Catches fish so they can eat

    VERSE 2) His back is black, his belly white
    Camouflage so he can hide

    VERSE 3) He doesn’t fly, he swims around,
    Half time in water, half on ground

  • Goodbye Song

    Pattern 12, Tempo 8

    Activity Instructions:

    Start rhythm on keyboard. Then sing song, putting each child’s name in the song. Adjust the ending based on the number of children you have – feel free to repeat or not, and add goodbyes to mommies, daddies, instruments, etc, if needed to finish the musical phrasing, depending upon the size of your class.


    Goodbye, Cya later, adios my friends
    Our time in Rockin’ Rhythms class has come to an end
    au revoir, auf wiedersehen, bon voyage, chiao
    Until we meet again my friends, I’ll say goodbye for now

    |: Goodbye [Name goes here]
        Goodbye [Name here]
        Goodbye [Name goes here]
        Goodbye [Name here]
        Goodbye [Name goes here]
        Goodbye [Name here]
        We’ll rock again next time :|