Superplan Lesson Eight
- Coming In Classical: Vivalidi – Spring, from The Four Seasons
Vivalidi – Spring, from The Four Seasons
Activity Instructions:
Allow children to listen as they enter. Pick an instrument you are not using for them to play with.
Historical information:The Four Seasons (Italian: Le quattro stagioni) is a group of four violin concerti by Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi, each of which gives a musical expression to a season of the year. They were written about 1721 and were published in 1725 in Amsterdam, together with eight additional violin concerti, as Il cimento dell’armonia e dell’inventione (“The Contest Between Harmony and Invention”).
The Four Seasons is the best known of Vivaldi’s works. Unusually for the time, Vivaldi published the concerti with accompanying poems (possibly written by Vivaldi himself) that elucidated what it was about those seasons that his music was intended to evoke. It provides one of the earliest and most-detailed examples of what was later called program music—music with a narrative element.
Vivaldi took great pains to relate his music to the texts of the poems, translating the poetic lines themselves directly into the music on the page. In the middle section of the Spring concerto, where the goatherd sleeps, his barking dog can be marked in the viola section. Other natural occurrences are similarly evoked. Vivaldi separated each concerto into three movements, fast-slow-fast, and likewise each linked sonnet into three sections
Source: []
- Hello Song: Baby Rock Hello
Baby Rock Hello
Pattern 01, Tempo 5
Rhythm Only
With Lyrics, no namesListen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Call children to circle. Start rhythm on Keyboard, and use each child’s name in the song.
Lyrics:I’m gonna rock rock rock with with my baby
Rock, rock rock with my baby
Rock, rock rock with my baby
in Rockin’ Rhythms music classLet’s all rock with [Name Here]
Let’s all rock with [Name Here or “together”]
Let’s all rock with [Name Here or “and have fun”]
in Rockin’ Rhythms music class - Song w/Instrument: Rhythm Sticks
Rhythm Sticks
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Pass out rhythm sticks, explore tapping together and tapping on the ground, then sing with song.
Tap the rhythm, matching the words, rather than tapping the beat of the song.- Tap tap tap tap tap
Tap tap tap tap tap
Tap tap tap tap tap
Tap my rhythm sticks
Tap them on the ground,
Tap them together
Tap them with one hand - Tap tap tap tap tap
- Lapride: On a Horse (Four Seasons Edition)
On a Horse (Four Seasons Edition)
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Have children sit on parents laps! This song has lots of bouncing. Don’t forget to go up and down and side to side in the B section.
Lyrics:On a horse, on a horse, on a horse we go
On a horse, on a horse, on a horse we go
On a horse, on a horse, on a horse we go
On a horse, through the falling snow
Bouncing Bouncing up and down,
Side to Side and all around
On a horse, on a horse, on a horse we go
On a horse, through the falling snowOn a horse, on a horse, on a horse we go
On a horse, on a horse, on a horse we go
On a horse, on a horse, on a horse we go
On a horse, through the springtime growth
Bouncing Bouncing up and down,
Side to Side and all around
On a horse, on a horse, on a horse we go
On a horse, through the springtime growthOn a horse, on a horse, on a horse we go
On a horse, on a horse, on a horse we go
On a horse, on a horse, on a horse we go
On a horse, through the summer heat
Bouncing Bouncing up and down,
Side to Side and all around
On a horse, on a horse, on a horse we go
On a horse, through the summer heatOn a horse, on a horse, on a horse we go
On a horse, on a horse, on a horse we go
On a horse, on a horse, on a horse we go
On a horse, through the falling leaves
Bouncing Bouncing up and down,
Side to Side and all around
On a horse, on a horse, on a horse we go
On a horse, through the falling leaves - Song w/Instrument: Triangle Waltz
Triangle Waltz
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Distribute triangles. Show children how to hold by the handle and hit with the striker.
Then show them a pattern in three of REST hit hit, REST hit hit.
Keep that beat while singing the song.
Lyrics:This is a triangle waltz
It’s a waltz where I’m learning to rest
This is a triangle waltz
Hear me as I do my best - Peek-a-boo w/scarves: Descending Scale Boo
Descending Scale Boo
Activity Instructions:
Pass out scarves, explore playing peek a boo. Then introduce song, sing and be playful, being sure to interact with each child.
Lyrics:Boo Boo Boo Boo Hiding from you
playing peek-a-boo, Boo!87654321
111118 - Signing Song: Hurt
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Show parents the sign for hurt. The sign can be done generically in front of your body, or over the part that hurts. Then introduce the song. Sing several times.
Lyrics:Tap my pointer fingers together
Tap my pointer fingers together
Tap my pointer fingers together
That’s how I sign hurt - Song w/Ball: Chromatic Ball Song
Chromatic Ball Song
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
A chromatic scale is a scale where every half step is played. (All of the white and black keys on the piano).
Pass out balls and have children practice tapping, rolling from their toes to their head and back down again, and bouncing on their booties. Then play song and follow motions.
I am tap-ping the ball with my hands like it’s a drum
Rum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum,
Rum pum pum pum pum
This is a chro-ma-tic ball song
Up and down in lit-tle half steps
This is a chro-ma-tic ball song
Up and down in lit-tle half stepsVERSE 2
I am rol-ling the ball from my toes up to my head
I am rolling the ball from my head down to my toesVERSE 3
I am sit-ting on the ball and boun-cing up and down - World Music Dance: Spain – Buleria – Ricao – Flamenco
Spain – Buleria – Ricao – Flamenco
Activity Instructions:
Pass out scarves, and have children bounce, dance, etc.
- Musical Exploration: Musical Exploration
Musical Exploration
Activity Instructions:
Dump a variety bucket of instruments out for children to play and try different instruments. Teacher’s choice on background music, make sure that the song lyrics are clean and the topic is child-appropriate. You may want to find out some of your participants favorite popular songs and include them here!
- Song TimeSing through favorite songs of children. You may choose to introduce the english only to the solfege song from other levels.
- Puppet: Mary had a Great White Shark
Mary had a Great White Shark
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Sing song, using puppet.
Lyrics:Mary had a great white shark
a great white shark
a great white shark
Mary had a great white shark
whose teeth were very sharpHe followed her to the pool one day
pool one day
pool one day
He followed her to the pool one day
which was against the rulesIt made the children run away
run away
run away
It made the children run away
to see a shark in the pool - Lullaby: Make You Feel My Love by Adele
Make You Feel My Love by Adele
Activity Instructions:
Allow children to rock gently in parents laps while sitting, or standing and swaying, or allow to a quiet instrument, like shakers or cage bells. A calming moment to finish with class.
- Goodbye Song: Goodbye Song
Goodbye Song
Pattern 12, Tempo 8
Rhythm Only
With Lyrics, no namesListen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Start rhythm on keyboard. Then sing song, putting each child’s name in the song. Adjust the ending based on the number of children you have – feel free to repeat or not, and add goodbyes to mommies, daddies, instruments, etc, if needed to finish the musical phrasing, depending upon the size of your class.
Lyrics:Goodbye, Cya later, adios my friends
Our time in Rockin’ Rhythms class has come to an end
au revoir, auf wiedersehen, bon voyage, chiao
Until we meet again my friends, I’ll say goodbye for now|: Goodbye [Name goes here]
Goodbye [Name here]
Goodbye [Name goes here]
Goodbye [Name here]
Goodbye [Name goes here]
Goodbye [Name here]
We’ll rock again next time :|
- Coming In Classical: Vivalidi – Spring, from The Four Seasons
Vivalidi – Spring, from The Four Seasons
Activity Instructions:
Allow children to listen as they enter. Pick an instrument you are not using for them to play with.
Historical information:The Four Seasons (Italian: Le quattro stagioni) is a group of four violin concerti by Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi, each of which gives a musical expression to a season of the year. They were written about 1721 and were published in 1725 in Amsterdam, together with eight additional violin concerti, as Il cimento dell’armonia e dell’inventione (“The Contest Between Harmony and Invention”).
The Four Seasons is the best known of Vivaldi’s works. Unusually for the time, Vivaldi published the concerti with accompanying poems (possibly written by Vivaldi himself) that elucidated what it was about those seasons that his music was intended to evoke. It provides one of the earliest and most-detailed examples of what was later called program music—music with a narrative element.
Vivaldi took great pains to relate his music to the texts of the poems, translating the poetic lines themselves directly into the music on the page. In the middle section of the Spring concerto, where the goatherd sleeps, his barking dog can be marked in the viola section. Other natural occurrences are similarly evoked. Vivaldi separated each concerto into three movements, fast-slow-fast, and likewise each linked sonnet into three sections
Source: []
- Hello Song: Tot Rock Hello
Tot Rock Hello
Pattern 01, Tempo 5
Rhythm Only
With Lyrics, no namesListen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Call children to circle. Start rhythm on Keyboard, and use each child’s name in the song.
Lyrics:I’m gonna rock rock rock with with my Tots
Rock, rock rock with my Tots
Rock, rock rock with my Tots
in Rockin’ Rhythms music classLet’s all rock with [Name Here]
Let’s all rock with [Name Here or “together”]
Let’s all rock with [Name Here or “and have fun”]
in Rockin’ Rhythms music class - Song w/Instrument: Rhythm Sticks
Rhythm Sticks
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Pass out rhythm sticks, explore tapping together and tapping on the ground, then sing with song.
Tap the rhythm, matching the words, rather than tapping the beat of the song.- Tap tap tap tap tap
Tap tap tap tap tap
Tap tap tap tap tap
Tap my rhythm sticks
Tap them on the ground,
Tap them together
Tap them with one hand - Tap tap tap tap tap
- Lapride: On a Horse (Four Seasons Edition)
On a Horse (Four Seasons Edition)
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Have children sit on parents laps! This song has lots of bouncing. Don’t forget to go up and down and side to side in the B section.
Lyrics:On a horse, on a horse, on a horse we go
On a horse, on a horse, on a horse we go
On a horse, on a horse, on a horse we go
On a horse, through the falling snow
Bouncing Bouncing up and down,
Side to Side and all around
On a horse, on a horse, on a horse we go
On a horse, through the falling snowOn a horse, on a horse, on a horse we go
On a horse, on a horse, on a horse we go
On a horse, on a horse, on a horse we go
On a horse, through the springtime growth
Bouncing Bouncing up and down,
Side to Side and all around
On a horse, on a horse, on a horse we go
On a horse, through the springtime growthOn a horse, on a horse, on a horse we go
On a horse, on a horse, on a horse we go
On a horse, on a horse, on a horse we go
On a horse, through the summer heat
Bouncing Bouncing up and down,
Side to Side and all around
On a horse, on a horse, on a horse we go
On a horse, through the summer heatOn a horse, on a horse, on a horse we go
On a horse, on a horse, on a horse we go
On a horse, on a horse, on a horse we go
On a horse, through the falling leaves
Bouncing Bouncing up and down,
Side to Side and all around
On a horse, on a horse, on a horse we go
On a horse, through the falling leaves - Color or Shape Song: Flower Color Song (Down by the Station)
Flower Color Song (Down by the Station)
Listen to the SongPrintables (.pdf)
Activity Instructions:
Before class, make sure to print out the flowers and hang them on the wall. Go over the colors, then sing the song, and have children run and touch the flower color that you are singing about. Repeat all colors at least twice.
Lyrics:I like to see the pretty [Yellow] flowers
Where do the [Yellow] flowers growYellow, White, Red, Purple, Blue
- Song w/Instrument: Triangle Waltz
Triangle Waltz
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Distribute triangles. Show children how to hold by the handle and hit with the striker.
Then show them a pattern in three of REST hit hit, REST hit hit.
Keep that beat while singing the song.
Lyrics:This is a triangle waltz
It’s a waltz where I’m learning to rest
This is a triangle waltz
Hear me as I do my best - Body Awareness: Get into the Groove
Get into the Groove
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Walk around during intro, freestyle during verses, Jump and stomp during call and response chorus.
Get into the groove
Get into the groove
Show me all your moves
Show me all your moves
(repeat)B SECTION (call response)
C’mon and jump
C’mon and jump
C’mon and stomp
INSTRUMENTAL - Solfege Song: Hot Cross Buns
Hot Cross Buns
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Pass out microphones, explore speaking into them. Then ask children for some of their favorite songs, and sing them together.
Introduce Solfege Syllables. Sing – Do – Sol – Do. Then introduce song. Sing a phrase at a time while parents/children echo.
The sing song with words.Mi Re Do
Mi Re Do
Do do do do
Re re re re
Mi re do
Mi re doHot cross buns
Hot cross buns
One a-penny two-a-penny
Hot cross buns
Hot cross buns - Song w/Ball: Chromatic Ball Song
Chromatic Ball Song
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
A chromatic scale is a scale where every half step is played. (All of the white and black keys on the piano).
Pass out balls and have children practice tapping, rolling from their toes to their head and back down again, and bouncing on their booties. Then play song and follow motions.
I am tap-ping the ball with my hands like it’s a drum
Rum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum,
Rum pum pum pum pum
This is a chro-ma-tic ball song
Up and down in lit-tle half steps
This is a chro-ma-tic ball song
Up and down in lit-tle half stepsVERSE 2
I am rol-ling the ball from my toes up to my head
I am rolling the ball from my head down to my toesVERSE 3
I am sit-ting on the ball and boun-cing up and down - World Music Dance: Spain – Buleria – Ricao – Flamenco
Spain – Buleria – Ricao – Flamenco
Activity Instructions:
Pass out scarves, and have children bounce, dance, etc.
- Musical Exploration: Musical Exploration
Musical Exploration
Activity Instructions:
Dump a variety bucket of instruments out for children to play and try different instruments. Teacher’s choice on background music, make sure that the song lyrics are clean and the topic is child-appropriate. You may want to find out some of your participants favorite popular songs and include them here!
- Musical Game: 123 Identify Me: French Horn, Xylophone, Timpani, Violin
123 Identify Me: French Horn, Xylophone, Timpani, Violin
Activity Instructions:
- Puppet: Mary had a Great White Shark
Mary had a Great White Shark
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Sing song, using puppet.
Lyrics:Mary had a great white shark
a great white shark
a great white shark
Mary had a great white shark
whose teeth were very sharpHe followed her to the pool one day
pool one day
pool one day
He followed her to the pool one day
which was against the rulesIt made the children run away
run away
run away
It made the children run away
to see a shark in the pool - Goodbye Song: Goodbye Song
Goodbye Song
Pattern 12, Tempo 8
Rhythm Only
With Lyrics, no namesListen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Start rhythm on keyboard. Then sing song, putting each child’s name in the song. Adjust the ending based on the number of children you have – feel free to repeat or not, and add goodbyes to mommies, daddies, instruments, etc, if needed to finish the musical phrasing, depending upon the size of your class.
Lyrics:Goodbye, Cya later, adios my friends
Our time in Rockin’ Rhythms class has come to an end
au revoir, auf wiedersehen, bon voyage, chiao
Until we meet again my friends, I’ll say goodbye for now|: Goodbye [Name goes here]
Goodbye [Name here]
Goodbye [Name goes here]
Goodbye [Name here]
Goodbye [Name goes here]
Goodbye [Name here]
We’ll rock again next time :|
- Coming In Classical: Vivalidi – Spring, from The Four Seasons
Vivalidi – Spring, from The Four Seasons
Activity Instructions:
Allow children to listen as they enter. Pick an instrument you are not using for them to play with.
Historical information:The Four Seasons (Italian: Le quattro stagioni) is a group of four violin concerti by Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi, each of which gives a musical expression to a season of the year. They were written about 1721 and were published in 1725 in Amsterdam, together with eight additional violin concerti, as Il cimento dell’armonia e dell’inventione (“The Contest Between Harmony and Invention”).
The Four Seasons is the best known of Vivaldi’s works. Unusually for the time, Vivaldi published the concerti with accompanying poems (possibly written by Vivaldi himself) that elucidated what it was about those seasons that his music was intended to evoke. It provides one of the earliest and most-detailed examples of what was later called program music—music with a narrative element.
Vivaldi took great pains to relate his music to the texts of the poems, translating the poetic lines themselves directly into the music on the page. In the middle section of the Spring concerto, where the goatherd sleeps, his barking dog can be marked in the viola section. Other natural occurrences are similarly evoked. Vivaldi separated each concerto into three movements, fast-slow-fast, and likewise each linked sonnet into three sections
Source: []
- Hello Song: Kid Rock Hello Song
Kid Rock Hello Song
Pattern 01, Tempo 5
Rhythm Only
With Lyrics, no namesListen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Call children to circle. Start rhythm on Keyboard, and use each child’s name in the song.
Lyrics:I’m gonna rock rock rock with with my big kids
Rock, rock rock with my big kids
Rock, rock rock with my big kids
in Rockin’ Rhythms music classLet’s all rock with [Name Here]
Let’s all rock with [Name Here or “together”]
Let’s all rock with [Name Here or “and have fun”]
in Rockin’ Rhythms music class - Song w/Instrument: Triangle Waltz
Triangle Waltz
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Distribute triangles. Show children how to hold by the handle and hit with the striker.
Then show them a pattern in three of REST hit hit, REST hit hit.
Keep that beat while singing the song.
Lyrics:This is a triangle waltz
It’s a waltz where I’m learning to rest
This is a triangle waltz
Hear me as I do my best - Body Awareness: Get into the Groove
Get into the Groove
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Walk around during intro, freestyle during verses, Jump and stomp during call and response chorus.
Get into the groove
Get into the groove
Show me all your moves
Show me all your moves
(repeat)B SECTION (call response)
C’mon and jump
C’mon and jump
C’mon and stomp
INSTRUMENTAL - Alphabet Song: Letter H – Hamburger and Hot Dog
Letter H – Hamburger and Hot Dog
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Introduce the letter H. What shape is it? What sound does the letter make? Talk about the things in the song that begin with the letter H. Then introduce the song.
Lyrics:Hamburger and Hot Dog Havin’ some fun
Hammering Hard on the Hi-hats & drums
I tip my Hat from my Head to you
I’m Heading Home on my Huge Horse Hugh - Solfege Song: Hot Cross Buns
Hot Cross Buns
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Pass out microphones, explore speaking into them. Then ask children for some of their favorite songs, and sing them together.
Introduce Solfege Syllables. Sing – Do – Sol – Do. Then introduce song. Sing a phrase at a time while parents/children echo.
The sing song with words.Mi Re Do
Mi Re Do
Do do do do
Re re re re
Mi re do
Mi re doHot cross buns
Hot cross buns
One a-penny two-a-penny
Hot cross buns
Hot cross buns - Song w/Pitched Instrument: Row Your Boat
Row Your Boat
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Pass out handbells: CDEFG, and high C. (If less than 6 children, teacher can take 2, or have parents have their own color) Allow children to explore ringing them. Ask who has red, yellow, etc, and then cue them to play bells. Tell them that you are going to play a song together. Then cue children with voice and pointing, or play on xylophone with them on bells.
Lyrics:Row, Row, Row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily
Life is but a dream - Composing Activity: Pie Slices – Rhythm Composing
Pie Slices – Rhythm Composing
Printables (.pdf)
Activity Instructions:
Tape long horizontal line with three vertical lines dividing it, and pie slices on the wall. Whole pie = whole note. Half pie = half note. Quarter pie = quarter note. Each measure gets a full pie, then play rhythm for this representational composing activity.
- Song w/Ball: Chromatic Ball Song
Chromatic Ball Song
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
A chromatic scale is a scale where every half step is played. (All of the white and black keys on the piano).
Pass out balls and have children practice tapping, rolling from their toes to their head and back down again, and bouncing on their booties. Then play song and follow motions.
I am tap-ping the ball with my hands like it’s a drum
Rum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum,
Rum pum pum pum pum
This is a chro-ma-tic ball song
Up and down in lit-tle half steps
This is a chro-ma-tic ball song
Up and down in lit-tle half stepsVERSE 2
I am rol-ling the ball from my toes up to my head
I am rolling the ball from my head down to my toesVERSE 3
I am sit-ting on the ball and boun-cing up and down - World Music Dance: Spain – Buleria – Ricao – Flamenco
Spain – Buleria – Ricao – Flamenco
Activity Instructions:
Pass out scarves, and have children bounce, dance, etc.
- Musical Exploration: Musical Exploration
Musical Exploration
Activity Instructions:
Dump a variety bucket of instruments out for children to play and try different instruments. Teacher’s choice on background music, make sure that the song lyrics are clean and the topic is child-appropriate. You may want to find out some of your participants favorite popular songs and include them here!
- Musical Game: 123 Identify Me: French Horn, Xylophone, Timpani, Violin
123 Identify Me: French Horn, Xylophone, Timpani, Violin
Activity Instructions:
- Puppet: Mary had a Great White Shark
Mary had a Great White Shark
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Sing song, using puppet.
Lyrics:Mary had a great white shark
a great white shark
a great white shark
Mary had a great white shark
whose teeth were very sharpHe followed her to the pool one day
pool one day
pool one day
He followed her to the pool one day
which was against the rulesIt made the children run away
run away
run away
It made the children run away
to see a shark in the pool - Goodbye Song: Goodbye Song
Goodbye Song
Pattern 12, Tempo 8
Rhythm Only
With Lyrics, no namesListen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Start rhythm on keyboard. Then sing song, putting each child’s name in the song. Adjust the ending based on the number of children you have – feel free to repeat or not, and add goodbyes to mommies, daddies, instruments, etc, if needed to finish the musical phrasing, depending upon the size of your class.
Lyrics:Goodbye, Cya later, adios my friends
Our time in Rockin’ Rhythms class has come to an end
au revoir, auf wiedersehen, bon voyage, chiao
Until we meet again my friends, I’ll say goodbye for now|: Goodbye [Name goes here]
Goodbye [Name here]
Goodbye [Name goes here]
Goodbye [Name here]
Goodbye [Name goes here]
Goodbye [Name here]
We’ll rock again next time :|
- Coming In Classical: Vivalidi – Spring, from The Four Seasons
Vivalidi – Spring, from The Four Seasons
Activity Instructions:
Allow children to listen as they enter. Pick an instrument you are not using for them to play with.
Historical information:The Four Seasons (Italian: Le quattro stagioni) is a group of four violin concerti by Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi, each of which gives a musical expression to a season of the year. They were written about 1721 and were published in 1725 in Amsterdam, together with eight additional violin concerti, as Il cimento dell’armonia e dell’inventione (“The Contest Between Harmony and Invention”).
The Four Seasons is the best known of Vivaldi’s works. Unusually for the time, Vivaldi published the concerti with accompanying poems (possibly written by Vivaldi himself) that elucidated what it was about those seasons that his music was intended to evoke. It provides one of the earliest and most-detailed examples of what was later called program music—music with a narrative element.
Vivaldi took great pains to relate his music to the texts of the poems, translating the poetic lines themselves directly into the music on the page. In the middle section of the Spring concerto, where the goatherd sleeps, his barking dog can be marked in the viola section. Other natural occurrences are similarly evoked. Vivaldi separated each concerto into three movements, fast-slow-fast, and likewise each linked sonnet into three sections
Source: []
- Hello Song: Family Rock Hello Song
Family Rock Hello Song
Pattern 01, Tempo 5
Rhythm Only
With Lyrics, no namesListen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Call children to circle. Start rhythm on Keyboard, and use each child’s name in the song.
Lyrics:I’m gonna rock rock rock with with my families
Rock, rock rock with my families
Rock, rock rock with my families
in Rockin’ Rhythms music classLet’s all rock with [Name Here]
Let’s all rock with [Name Here or “together”]
Let’s all rock with [Name Here or “and have fun”]
in Rockin’ Rhythms music class - Song w/Instrument: Rhythm Sticks
Rhythm Sticks
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Pass out rhythm sticks, explore tapping together and tapping on the ground, then sing with song.
Tap the rhythm, matching the words, rather than tapping the beat of the song.- Tap tap tap tap tap
Tap tap tap tap tap
Tap tap tap tap tap
Tap my rhythm sticks
Tap them on the ground,
Tap them together
Tap them with one hand - Tap tap tap tap tap
- Peek-a-boo: Descending Scale Boo
Descending Scale Boo
Activity Instructions:
Pass out scarves, explore playing peek a boo. Then introduce song, sing and be playful, being sure to interact with each child.
Lyrics:Boo Boo Boo Boo Hiding from you
playing peek-a-boo, Boo!87654321
111118 - Color or Shape Song: Flower Color Song (Down by the Station)
Flower Color Song (Down by the Station)
Listen to the SongPrintables (.pdf)
Activity Instructions:
Before class, make sure to print out the flowers and hang them on the wall. Go over the colors, then sing the song, and have children run and touch the flower color that you are singing about. Repeat all colors at least twice.
Lyrics:I like to see the pretty [Yellow] flowers
Where do the [Yellow] flowers growYellow, White, Red, Purple, Blue
- Body Awareness: Get into the Groove
Get into the Groove
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Walk around during intro, freestyle during verses, Jump and stomp during call and response chorus.
Get into the groove
Get into the groove
Show me all your moves
Show me all your moves
(repeat)B SECTION (call response)
C’mon and jump
C’mon and jump
C’mon and stomp
INSTRUMENTAL - Song w/Pitched Instrument: Row Your Boat
Row Your Boat
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Pass out handbells: CDEFG, and high C. (If less than 6 children, teacher can take 2, or have parents have their own color) Allow children to explore ringing them. Ask who has red, yellow, etc, and then cue them to play bells. Tell them that you are going to play a song together. Then cue children with voice and pointing, or play on xylophone with them on bells.
Lyrics:Row, Row, Row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily
Life is but a dream - Solfege Song: Hot Cross Buns
Hot Cross Buns
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Pass out microphones, explore speaking into them. Then ask children for some of their favorite songs, and sing them together.
Introduce Solfege Syllables. Sing – Do – Sol – Do. Then introduce song. Sing a phrase at a time while parents/children echo.
The sing song with words.Mi Re Do
Mi Re Do
Do do do do
Re re re re
Mi re do
Mi re doHot cross buns
Hot cross buns
One a-penny two-a-penny
Hot cross buns
Hot cross buns - Song w/Ball: Chromatic Ball Song
Chromatic Ball Song
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
A chromatic scale is a scale where every half step is played. (All of the white and black keys on the piano).
Pass out balls and have children practice tapping, rolling from their toes to their head and back down again, and bouncing on their booties. Then play song and follow motions.
I am tap-ping the ball with my hands like it’s a drum
Rum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum, pum,
Rum pum pum pum pum
This is a chro-ma-tic ball song
Up and down in lit-tle half steps
This is a chro-ma-tic ball song
Up and down in lit-tle half stepsVERSE 2
I am rol-ling the ball from my toes up to my head
I am rolling the ball from my head down to my toesVERSE 3
I am sit-ting on the ball and boun-cing up and down - World Music Dance: Spain – Buleria – Ricao – Flamenco
Spain – Buleria – Ricao – Flamenco
Activity Instructions:
Pass out scarves, and have children bounce, dance, etc.
- Musical Exploration: Musical Exploration
Musical Exploration
Activity Instructions:
Dump a variety bucket of instruments out for children to play and try different instruments. Teacher’s choice on background music, make sure that the song lyrics are clean and the topic is child-appropriate. You may want to find out some of your participants favorite popular songs and include them here!
- Musical Composition Activity: Pie Slices – Rhythm Composing
Pie Slices – Rhythm Composing
Printables (.pdf)
Activity Instructions:
Tape long horizontal line with three vertical lines dividing it, and pie slices on the wall. Whole pie = whole note. Half pie = half note. Quarter pie = quarter note. Each measure gets a full pie, then play rhythm for this representational composing activity.
- Musical Game: 123 Identify Me: French Horn, Xylophone, Timpani, Violin
123 Identify Me: French Horn, Xylophone, Timpani, Violin
Activity Instructions:
- Puppet: Mary had a Great White Shark
Mary had a Great White Shark
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Sing song, using puppet.
Lyrics:Mary had a great white shark
a great white shark
a great white shark
Mary had a great white shark
whose teeth were very sharpHe followed her to the pool one day
pool one day
pool one day
He followed her to the pool one day
which was against the rulesIt made the children run away
run away
run away
It made the children run away
to see a shark in the pool - Goodbye Song: Goodbye Song
Goodbye Song
Pattern 12, Tempo 8
Rhythm Only
With Lyrics, no namesListen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Start rhythm on keyboard. Then sing song, putting each child’s name in the song. Adjust the ending based on the number of children you have – feel free to repeat or not, and add goodbyes to mommies, daddies, instruments, etc, if needed to finish the musical phrasing, depending upon the size of your class.
Lyrics:Goodbye, Cya later, adios my friends
Our time in Rockin’ Rhythms class has come to an end
au revoir, auf wiedersehen, bon voyage, chiao
Until we meet again my friends, I’ll say goodbye for now|: Goodbye [Name goes here]
Goodbye [Name here]
Goodbye [Name goes here]
Goodbye [Name here]
Goodbye [Name goes here]
Goodbye [Name here]
We’ll rock again next time :|