Superplan Lesson Four
- Coming In Classical: Bach – Brandenburg Concerto #6
Bach – Brandenburg Concerto #6
Activity Instructions:
Play music as children are entering at the start of class. Allow them to explore with an instrument as they come in.
- Hello Song: Baby Rock Hello
Baby Rock Hello
Pattern 01, Tempo 5
Rhythm Only
With Lyrics, no namesListen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Call children to circle. Start rhythm on Keyboard, and use each child’s name in the song.
Lyrics:I’m gonna rock rock rock with with my baby
Rock, rock rock with my baby
Rock, rock rock with my baby
in Rockin’ Rhythms music classLet’s all rock with [Name Here]
Let’s all rock with [Name Here or “together”]
Let’s all rock with [Name Here or “and have fun”]
in Rockin’ Rhythms music class - Song w/Instrument: Playing my Tambourine
Playing my Tambourine
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Explore hitting, shaking, and tapping the tambourine. Then sing and play song.
Lyrics:I am playing my tambourine
I am playing my tambourine
I am playing my tambourine
Playing my tambourineV2) I am hitting my tambourine
V3) I am shaking my tambourine
V4) I am tapping my tambourine - Lapride: Row Your Boat Lapride
Row Your Boat Lapride
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Have children sit on parents laps, and follow directions in the song!
Lyrics:Row, Row, Row your boat (bounce)
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is but a dreamRow row row your boat, (bump)
On the bumpy seas
Bouncing bouncing all around
in the ocean breezeRow row row your boat
rocking side to side
splashing down the riverfront
on a choppy ride.Row row row your boat (move legs together up and down)
on the ocean waves
up and down and up and down
up and down and up and down
up and down and up and down
Careful don’t fall in (part legs and drop child gently onto carpet) - Song w/Instrument: Bow Wow Tap
Bow Wow Tap
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Pass out rhythm sticks. Explore tapping together, tapping on the floor, and tapping like a hammer. Then sing song and tap to the rhythm of the words in the song.
Lyrics:Tap Tap Tap my rhy-thm sticks
Tap-ping with my rhy-thm sticks
My Rhy-thm SticksDrum Drum Drum my rhy-thm sticks
Drum-ming with my rhy-thm sticks
My Rhy-thm sticksHam-mer with my rhy-thm sticks
Ham-mer with my rhy-thm sticks
My Rhy-thm Sticks - Peek-a-boo w/scarves: Arpeggio Boo
Arpeggio Boo
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Pass out transparent scarves. Pull off, and say boo! Interact with each of the children. Then sing the song, interacting with each of the children.
Lyrics:Peek-a-boo, Peek-a-boo 135 135
I see you, I see you 146 146
Peek-a-boo, [Peek-aboo or NAME] 725 725
Peek-a-boo, BOO! 111 8 - Signing Song: Book
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Show parents how to make sign for book. Then sing the song through several times.
Lyrics:Put my hands together
Open them up wide
That’s how I say book
Like I’m taking a look inside - Song w/Ball: Roll the Spiky Ball
Roll the Spiky Ball
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Have children pair up. Practice rolling, bouncing, ball on head, nose, knees, toes.
Will you roll the spiky ball
Will you roll the spiky ball
Will you roll the spiky ball to a friend
(repeat)[BREAK, introduce bouncing]
Will you bounce the spiky ball
Will you bounce the spiky ball
Will you bounce the spiky ball with your hands
Put the ball on your head
Put the ball on your nose
Put the ball on your knees
Put the ball on your toes - World Music Dance: Kenya – Sura Yako – Sauti Sol – Kenyan Afro-pop
Kenya – Sura Yako – Sauti Sol – Kenyan Afro-pop
Activity Instructions:
Pass out scarves, and have children bounce, dance, etc.
Historical information:Sauti Sol is a Kenyan Afr0-Pop band. View their profile on Wikipedia.
- Musical Exploration: Musical Exploration
Musical Exploration
Activity Instructions:
Dump a variety bucket of instruments out for children to play and try different instruments. Teacher’s choice on background music, make sure that the song lyrics are clean and the topic is child-appropriate. You may want to find out some of your participants favorite popular songs and include them here!
- Song TimeSing through favorite songs of children. You may choose to introduce the english only to the solfege song from other levels.
- Puppet: Old McDonald had a Zoo
Old McDonald had a Zoo
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Tell the children that Old McDonald has a Zoo today instead of a Farm. If the animals are loud, they are just saying hello. Then sing song, If by chance you don’t have all four puppets, print out cardstock versions of the animals and mount on a popsicle stick.
Lyrics:Old McDonald had a Zoo, doo-bee-doo-bee-doo
and at his zoo he had a bear, zoo-bee-zoo-bee-doo
with a *growl* here and a *growl* there
Here a *growl*, there a *growl*, everywhere a *growl*
Old McDonald had a Zoo, doo-bee-doo-bee-dooOld McDonald had a Zoo, doo-bee-doo-bee-doo
and at his zoo he had a Lion, zoo-bee-doo-bee-doo
with a *roar* here and a *roar* there
Here a *roar* there a *roar*, everywhere a *roar*
Old McDonald had a Zoo, doo-bee-doo-bee-dooOld McDonald had a Zoo, doo-bee-doo-bee-doo
and at his zoo he had a Monkey, zoo-bee-doo-bee-doo
with a *ooh-ah* here and a *ooh-ah* there
Here a *ooh* there a *ooh*, everywhere a *ooh-ah*
Old McDonald had a Zoo, doo-bee-doo-bee-dooOld McDonald had a Zoo, doo-bee-doo-bee-doo
and at his zoo he had an Elephant, zoo-bee-doo-bee-doo
with a *twoot* here and a *twoot* there
Here a *twoot* there a *twoot*, everywhere a *twoot*
Old McDonald had a Zoo, doo-bee-doo-bee-doo - Lullaby: My Heart Will Go On (Caleb & Casey)
My Heart Will Go On (Caleb & Casey)
Activity Instructions:
Pass out a quiet instrument. Allow children to rock gently in parents laps while sitting, or standing and swaying, or allow to play instrument. A calming moment as you are finishing up your class.
- Goodbye Song: Goodbye Song
Goodbye Song
Pattern 12, Tempo 8
Rhythm Only
With Lyrics, no namesListen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Start rhythm on keyboard. Then sing song, putting each child’s name in the song. Adjust the ending based on the number of children you have – feel free to repeat or not, and add goodbyes to mommies, daddies, instruments, etc, if needed to finish the musical phrasing, depending upon the size of your class.
Lyrics:Goodbye, Cya later, adios my friends
Our time in Rockin’ Rhythms class has come to an end
au revoir, auf wiedersehen, bon voyage, chiao
Until we meet again my friends, I’ll say goodbye for now|: Goodbye [Name goes here]
Goodbye [Name here]
Goodbye [Name goes here]
Goodbye [Name here]
Goodbye [Name goes here]
Goodbye [Name here]
We’ll rock again next time :|
- Coming In Classical: Bach – Brandenburg Concerto #6
Bach – Brandenburg Concerto #6
Activity Instructions:
Play music as children are entering at the start of class. Allow them to explore with an instrument as they come in.
- Hello Song: Tot Rock Hello
Tot Rock Hello
Pattern 01, Tempo 5
Rhythm Only
With Lyrics, no namesListen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Call children to circle. Start rhythm on Keyboard, and use each child’s name in the song.
Lyrics:I’m gonna rock rock rock with with my Tots
Rock, rock rock with my Tots
Rock, rock rock with my Tots
in Rockin’ Rhythms music classLet’s all rock with [Name Here]
Let’s all rock with [Name Here or “together”]
Let’s all rock with [Name Here or “and have fun”]
in Rockin’ Rhythms music class - Song w/Instrument: Playing my Tambourine
Playing my Tambourine
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Explore hitting, shaking, and tapping the tambourine. Then sing and play song.
Lyrics:I am playing my tambourine
I am playing my tambourine
I am playing my tambourine
Playing my tambourineV2) I am hitting my tambourine
V3) I am shaking my tambourine
V4) I am tapping my tambourine - Lapride: Row Your Boat Lapride
Row Your Boat Lapride
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Have children sit on parents laps, and follow directions in the song!
Lyrics:Row, Row, Row your boat (bounce)
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is but a dreamRow row row your boat, (bump)
On the bumpy seas
Bouncing bouncing all around
in the ocean breezeRow row row your boat
rocking side to side
splashing down the riverfront
on a choppy ride.Row row row your boat (move legs together up and down)
on the ocean waves
up and down and up and down
up and down and up and down
up and down and up and down
Careful don’t fall in (part legs and drop child gently onto carpet) - Color or Shape Song: I am looking for a COLOR
I am looking for a COLOR
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Spread out objects, children must bring you something of the color you sing about. Use the colors of the objects you have.
Lyrics:I am looking for a color
I am looking for a color
I am looking for a color
Would you show me something red - Song w/Instrument: Bow Wow Tap
Bow Wow Tap
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Pass out rhythm sticks. Explore tapping together, tapping on the floor, and tapping like a hammer. Then sing song and tap to the rhythm of the words in the song.
Lyrics:Tap Tap Tap my rhy-thm sticks
Tap-ping with my rhy-thm sticks
My Rhy-thm SticksDrum Drum Drum my rhy-thm sticks
Drum-ming with my rhy-thm sticks
My Rhy-thm sticksHam-mer with my rhy-thm sticks
Ham-mer with my rhy-thm sticks
My Rhy-thm Sticks - Body Awareness: Marching Band
Marching Band
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Show children how to march, and show them pictures of the different instruments. Then start song and march together. You can pretend to play trumpet, tuba, and piccolo, and conduct. You may want to vary walking in a circle in A section with facing center and marching forward and back on B section.
With Kid Rock, you may choose to show them the four four pattern with your hands (down in out up).
Lyrics:Marching Song: Trumpet, Tuba, Piccolo, Conductor
I’m marching with my instrument listen to the sound
I’m marching with my instrument come and hear me now
I’m marching with my instrument come hear the trumpet play [fill x2]
Come hear the trumpet play [fill x1]
I’m marching with my instrument hear the trumpet playI’m marching in the marching band Marching down the street
I’m marching in the marching band Marching with my feet
I’m marching in the marching band Listen to me now
I’m marching marching marching marching Marching all aroundV2) Tuba
V3) PiccoloV4) I’m marching as the drum major watch me lead the band
I’m marching as the drum major watch me move my hands
I’m marching as the drum major watch me conduct the group, 1,2,3,4 down in out up
Watch me conduct the group 1,2,3,4 Watch me conduct the group
I’m marching as the drum major
Watch me conduct the groupI’m marching in the marching band Marching down the street
I’m marching in the marching band Marching with my feet
I’m marching in the marching band Watch me lead the band
I’m marching marching marching marching Marching ’til the end - Solfege Song: Frere Jacques
Frere Jacques
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Pass out microphones to children. Ask for some of their favorite songs, and sing them together. Then sing through solfege syllables, allowing class to echo. Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, Fa, Mi, Re, Do. Then introduce song for the week.
Lyrics:Do Re Mi Do
Do Re Mi Do
Mi Fa Sol
Mi Fa Sol
Sol La Sol Fa Mi Do
Sol La Sol Fa Mi Do
Do Sol Do
Do Sol DoAre you sleeping
Are you sleeping
Brother John
Brother John
Morning bells are ringing
Morning bells are ringing
Ding dong ding
Ding dong dingFrère Jacques,
Frère Jacques,
Sonnez les matines!
Sonnez les matines!
Ding, dong, ding.
Ding, dong, ding. - Song w/Ball: Roll the Spiky Ball
Roll the Spiky Ball
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Have children pair up. Practice rolling, bouncing, ball on head, nose, knees, toes.
Will you roll the spiky ball
Will you roll the spiky ball
Will you roll the spiky ball to a friend
(repeat)[BREAK, introduce bouncing]
Will you bounce the spiky ball
Will you bounce the spiky ball
Will you bounce the spiky ball with your hands
Put the ball on your head
Put the ball on your nose
Put the ball on your knees
Put the ball on your toes - World Music Dance: Kenya – Sura Yako – Sauti Sol – Kenyan Afro-pop
Kenya – Sura Yako – Sauti Sol – Kenyan Afro-pop
Activity Instructions:
Pass out scarves, and have children bounce, dance, etc.
Historical information:Sauti Sol is a Kenyan Afr0-Pop band. View their profile on Wikipedia.
- Musical Exploration: Musical Exploration
Musical Exploration
Activity Instructions:
Dump a variety bucket of instruments out for children to play and try different instruments. Teacher’s choice on background music, make sure that the song lyrics are clean and the topic is child-appropriate. You may want to find out some of your participants favorite popular songs and include them here!
- Musical Game: 123, Identify Me: Drums, Clarinet, Trombone
123, Identify Me: Drums, Clarinet, Trombone
Activity Instructions:
Tape pictures of Drums, Clarinet, and Trombone on walls. Play provided .mp3s and ask students to identify the sound they are hearing by running to that picture on the wall.
- Puppet: Old McDonald had a Zoo
Old McDonald had a Zoo
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Tell the children that Old McDonald has a Zoo today instead of a Farm. If the animals are loud, they are just saying hello. Then sing song, If by chance you don’t have all four puppets, print out cardstock versions of the animals and mount on a popsicle stick.
Lyrics:Old McDonald had a Zoo, doo-bee-doo-bee-doo
and at his zoo he had a bear, zoo-bee-zoo-bee-doo
with a *growl* here and a *growl* there
Here a *growl*, there a *growl*, everywhere a *growl*
Old McDonald had a Zoo, doo-bee-doo-bee-dooOld McDonald had a Zoo, doo-bee-doo-bee-doo
and at his zoo he had a Lion, zoo-bee-doo-bee-doo
with a *roar* here and a *roar* there
Here a *roar* there a *roar*, everywhere a *roar*
Old McDonald had a Zoo, doo-bee-doo-bee-dooOld McDonald had a Zoo, doo-bee-doo-bee-doo
and at his zoo he had a Monkey, zoo-bee-doo-bee-doo
with a *ooh-ah* here and a *ooh-ah* there
Here a *ooh* there a *ooh*, everywhere a *ooh-ah*
Old McDonald had a Zoo, doo-bee-doo-bee-dooOld McDonald had a Zoo, doo-bee-doo-bee-doo
and at his zoo he had an Elephant, zoo-bee-doo-bee-doo
with a *twoot* here and a *twoot* there
Here a *twoot* there a *twoot*, everywhere a *twoot*
Old McDonald had a Zoo, doo-bee-doo-bee-doo - Goodbye Song: Goodbye Song
Goodbye Song
Pattern 12, Tempo 8
Rhythm Only
With Lyrics, no namesListen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Start rhythm on keyboard. Then sing song, putting each child’s name in the song. Adjust the ending based on the number of children you have – feel free to repeat or not, and add goodbyes to mommies, daddies, instruments, etc, if needed to finish the musical phrasing, depending upon the size of your class.
Lyrics:Goodbye, Cya later, adios my friends
Our time in Rockin’ Rhythms class has come to an end
au revoir, auf wiedersehen, bon voyage, chiao
Until we meet again my friends, I’ll say goodbye for now|: Goodbye [Name goes here]
Goodbye [Name here]
Goodbye [Name goes here]
Goodbye [Name here]
Goodbye [Name goes here]
Goodbye [Name here]
We’ll rock again next time :|
- Coming In Classical: Bach – Brandenburg Concerto #6
Bach – Brandenburg Concerto #6
Activity Instructions:
Play music as children are entering at the start of class. Allow them to explore with an instrument as they come in.
- Hello Song: Kid Rock Hello Song
Kid Rock Hello Song
Pattern 01, Tempo 5
Rhythm Only
With Lyrics, no namesListen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Call children to circle. Start rhythm on Keyboard, and use each child’s name in the song.
Lyrics:I’m gonna rock rock rock with with my big kids
Rock, rock rock with my big kids
Rock, rock rock with my big kids
in Rockin’ Rhythms music classLet’s all rock with [Name Here]
Let’s all rock with [Name Here or “together”]
Let’s all rock with [Name Here or “and have fun”]
in Rockin’ Rhythms music class - Song w/Instrument: Playing my Tambourine
Playing my Tambourine
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Explore hitting, shaking, and tapping the tambourine. Then sing and play song.
Lyrics:I am playing my tambourine
I am playing my tambourine
I am playing my tambourine
Playing my tambourineV2) I am hitting my tambourine
V3) I am shaking my tambourine
V4) I am tapping my tambourine - Body Awareness: Marching Band
Marching Band
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Show children how to march, and show them pictures of the different instruments. Then start song and march together. You can pretend to play trumpet, tuba, and piccolo, and conduct. You may want to vary walking in a circle in A section with facing center and marching forward and back on B section.
With Kid Rock, you may choose to show them the four four pattern with your hands (down in out up).
Lyrics:Marching Song: Trumpet, Tuba, Piccolo, Conductor
I’m marching with my instrument listen to the sound
I’m marching with my instrument come and hear me now
I’m marching with my instrument come hear the trumpet play [fill x2]
Come hear the trumpet play [fill x1]
I’m marching with my instrument hear the trumpet playI’m marching in the marching band Marching down the street
I’m marching in the marching band Marching with my feet
I’m marching in the marching band Listen to me now
I’m marching marching marching marching Marching all aroundV2) Tuba
V3) PiccoloV4) I’m marching as the drum major watch me lead the band
I’m marching as the drum major watch me move my hands
I’m marching as the drum major watch me conduct the group, 1,2,3,4 down in out up
Watch me conduct the group 1,2,3,4 Watch me conduct the group
I’m marching as the drum major
Watch me conduct the groupI’m marching in the marching band Marching down the street
I’m marching in the marching band Marching with my feet
I’m marching in the marching band Watch me lead the band
I’m marching marching marching marching Marching ’til the end - Alphabet Song: Letter D – Dog and his Dinner Friends
Letter D – Dog and his Dinner Friends
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Show children a picture of a letter D and ask them for other things that start with that letter. Coach them and help them guess the items used in the song. Then sing the song several times.
Lyrics:The Dragon, the Dinosaur, the Duck and the Dolphin
Went searching for their friend Dog
He was Digging for a bone Down in the Dirt
and didn’t hear the Dinner DrumDon’t Delay, It’s time to eat
It’s Dinner time, for you and me
Dragon, Dinosaur, Duck, Dophin, and Dog
had Dinner, a Drink, and a Doughnut - Solfege Song: Frere Jacques
Frere Jacques
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Pass out microphones to children. Ask for some of their favorite songs, and sing them together. Then sing through solfege syllables, allowing class to echo. Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, Fa, Mi, Re, Do. Then introduce song for the week.
Lyrics:Do Re Mi Do
Do Re Mi Do
Mi Fa Sol
Mi Fa Sol
Sol La Sol Fa Mi Do
Sol La Sol Fa Mi Do
Do Sol Do
Do Sol DoAre you sleeping
Are you sleeping
Brother John
Brother John
Morning bells are ringing
Morning bells are ringing
Ding dong ding
Ding dong dingFrère Jacques,
Frère Jacques,
Sonnez les matines!
Sonnez les matines!
Ding, dong, ding.
Ding, dong, ding. - Song w/Pitched Instrument: The Farmer in the Dell
The Farmer in the Dell
Activity Instructions:
Pass out boomwhackers. Explore hitting them on the ground. Then have children hit colors from the bottom to the top and back down, using only the notes in the song. Then cue children to play song. If desired, swap colors and repeat.
GAAGGFThe Farmer in the Dell,
The Farmer in the Dell,
Hi-ho, the derry-o,
The farmer in the dell!The Farmer takes a Wife…
The Wife takes a Child…
The Child takes a Cow …
Cow takes a Pig…
Pig takes a Dog…
Dog takes a Cat…
Cat takes a Mouse…
Mouse takes the Cheese…
The Cheese stands alone. - Composing Activity: Musical Mad Lib
Musical Mad Lib
Listen to the SongPrintables (.pdf)
Activity Instructions:
Pass out lyric sheets to children, and allow them to fill in the blanks with parent help. Then collect the sheets and sing everyone’s songs.
Lyrics:When it’s summer, I like to ACTION
Like to ACTION with PERSON 1 and PERSON 2
I like to go to PLACE
And ACTION with PERSON 1 and PERSON 212333352 | 2344465 | 38765432 | 233221
- Song w/Ball: Roll the Spiky Ball
Roll the Spiky Ball
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Have children pair up. Practice rolling, bouncing, ball on head, nose, knees, toes.
Will you roll the spiky ball
Will you roll the spiky ball
Will you roll the spiky ball to a friend
(repeat)[BREAK, introduce bouncing]
Will you bounce the spiky ball
Will you bounce the spiky ball
Will you bounce the spiky ball with your hands
Put the ball on your head
Put the ball on your nose
Put the ball on your knees
Put the ball on your toes - World Music Dance: Kenya – Sura Yako – Sauti Sol – Kenyan Afro-pop
Kenya – Sura Yako – Sauti Sol – Kenyan Afro-pop
Activity Instructions:
Pass out scarves, and have children bounce, dance, etc.
Historical information:Sauti Sol is a Kenyan Afr0-Pop band. View their profile on Wikipedia.
- Musical Exploration: Musical Exploration
Musical Exploration
Activity Instructions:
Dump a variety bucket of instruments out for children to play and try different instruments. Teacher’s choice on background music, make sure that the song lyrics are clean and the topic is child-appropriate. You may want to find out some of your participants favorite popular songs and include them here!
- Musical Game: 123, Identify Me: Drums, Clarinet, Trombone
123, Identify Me: Drums, Clarinet, Trombone
Activity Instructions:
Tape pictures of Drums, Clarinet, and Trombone on walls. Play provided .mp3s and ask students to identify the sound they are hearing by running to that picture on the wall.
- Puppet: Old McDonald had a Zoo
Old McDonald had a Zoo
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Tell the children that Old McDonald has a Zoo today instead of a Farm. If the animals are loud, they are just saying hello. Then sing song, If by chance you don’t have all four puppets, print out cardstock versions of the animals and mount on a popsicle stick.
Lyrics:Old McDonald had a Zoo, doo-bee-doo-bee-doo
and at his zoo he had a bear, zoo-bee-zoo-bee-doo
with a *growl* here and a *growl* there
Here a *growl*, there a *growl*, everywhere a *growl*
Old McDonald had a Zoo, doo-bee-doo-bee-dooOld McDonald had a Zoo, doo-bee-doo-bee-doo
and at his zoo he had a Lion, zoo-bee-doo-bee-doo
with a *roar* here and a *roar* there
Here a *roar* there a *roar*, everywhere a *roar*
Old McDonald had a Zoo, doo-bee-doo-bee-dooOld McDonald had a Zoo, doo-bee-doo-bee-doo
and at his zoo he had a Monkey, zoo-bee-doo-bee-doo
with a *ooh-ah* here and a *ooh-ah* there
Here a *ooh* there a *ooh*, everywhere a *ooh-ah*
Old McDonald had a Zoo, doo-bee-doo-bee-dooOld McDonald had a Zoo, doo-bee-doo-bee-doo
and at his zoo he had an Elephant, zoo-bee-doo-bee-doo
with a *twoot* here and a *twoot* there
Here a *twoot* there a *twoot*, everywhere a *twoot*
Old McDonald had a Zoo, doo-bee-doo-bee-doo - Goodbye Song: Goodbye Song
Goodbye Song
Pattern 12, Tempo 8
Rhythm Only
With Lyrics, no namesListen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Start rhythm on keyboard. Then sing song, putting each child’s name in the song. Adjust the ending based on the number of children you have – feel free to repeat or not, and add goodbyes to mommies, daddies, instruments, etc, if needed to finish the musical phrasing, depending upon the size of your class.
Lyrics:Goodbye, Cya later, adios my friends
Our time in Rockin’ Rhythms class has come to an end
au revoir, auf wiedersehen, bon voyage, chiao
Until we meet again my friends, I’ll say goodbye for now|: Goodbye [Name goes here]
Goodbye [Name here]
Goodbye [Name goes here]
Goodbye [Name here]
Goodbye [Name goes here]
Goodbye [Name here]
We’ll rock again next time :|
- Coming In Classical: Bach – Brandenburg Concerto #6
Bach – Brandenburg Concerto #6
Activity Instructions:
Play music as children are entering at the start of class. Allow them to explore with an instrument as they come in.
- Hello Song: Family Rock Hello Song
Family Rock Hello Song
Pattern 01, Tempo 5
Rhythm Only
With Lyrics, no namesListen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Call children to circle. Start rhythm on Keyboard, and use each child’s name in the song.
Lyrics:I’m gonna rock rock rock with with my families
Rock, rock rock with my families
Rock, rock rock with my families
in Rockin’ Rhythms music classLet’s all rock with [Name Here]
Let’s all rock with [Name Here or “together”]
Let’s all rock with [Name Here or “and have fun”]
in Rockin’ Rhythms music class - Song w/Instrument: Playing my Tambourine
Playing my Tambourine
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Explore hitting, shaking, and tapping the tambourine. Then sing and play song.
Lyrics:I am playing my tambourine
I am playing my tambourine
I am playing my tambourine
Playing my tambourineV2) I am hitting my tambourine
V3) I am shaking my tambourine
V4) I am tapping my tambourine - Peek-a-boo: Arpeggio Boo
Arpeggio Boo
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Pass out transparent scarves. Pull off, and say boo! Interact with each of the children. Then sing the song, interacting with each of the children.
Lyrics:Peek-a-boo, Peek-a-boo 135 135
I see you, I see you 146 146
Peek-a-boo, [Peek-aboo or NAME] 725 725
Peek-a-boo, BOO! 111 8 - Color or Shape Song: I am looking for a COLOR
I am looking for a COLOR
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Spread out objects, children must bring you something of the color you sing about. Use the colors of the objects you have.
Lyrics:I am looking for a color
I am looking for a color
I am looking for a color
Would you show me something red - Body Awareness: Marching Band
Marching Band
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Show children how to march, and show them pictures of the different instruments. Then start song and march together. You can pretend to play trumpet, tuba, and piccolo, and conduct. You may want to vary walking in a circle in A section with facing center and marching forward and back on B section.
With Kid Rock, you may choose to show them the four four pattern with your hands (down in out up).
Lyrics:Marching Song: Trumpet, Tuba, Piccolo, Conductor
I’m marching with my instrument listen to the sound
I’m marching with my instrument come and hear me now
I’m marching with my instrument come hear the trumpet play [fill x2]
Come hear the trumpet play [fill x1]
I’m marching with my instrument hear the trumpet playI’m marching in the marching band Marching down the street
I’m marching in the marching band Marching with my feet
I’m marching in the marching band Listen to me now
I’m marching marching marching marching Marching all aroundV2) Tuba
V3) PiccoloV4) I’m marching as the drum major watch me lead the band
I’m marching as the drum major watch me move my hands
I’m marching as the drum major watch me conduct the group, 1,2,3,4 down in out up
Watch me conduct the group 1,2,3,4 Watch me conduct the group
I’m marching as the drum major
Watch me conduct the groupI’m marching in the marching band Marching down the street
I’m marching in the marching band Marching with my feet
I’m marching in the marching band Watch me lead the band
I’m marching marching marching marching Marching ’til the end - Song w/Pitched Instrument: The Farmer in the Dell
The Farmer in the Dell
Activity Instructions:
Pass out boomwhackers. Explore hitting them on the ground. Then have children hit colors from the bottom to the top and back down, using only the notes in the song. Then cue children to play song. If desired, swap colors and repeat.
GAAGGFThe Farmer in the Dell,
The Farmer in the Dell,
Hi-ho, the derry-o,
The farmer in the dell!The Farmer takes a Wife…
The Wife takes a Child…
The Child takes a Cow …
Cow takes a Pig…
Pig takes a Dog…
Dog takes a Cat…
Cat takes a Mouse…
Mouse takes the Cheese…
The Cheese stands alone. - Solfege Song: Frere Jacques
Frere Jacques
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Pass out microphones to children. Ask for some of their favorite songs, and sing them together. Then sing through solfege syllables, allowing class to echo. Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, Fa, Mi, Re, Do. Then introduce song for the week.
Lyrics:Do Re Mi Do
Do Re Mi Do
Mi Fa Sol
Mi Fa Sol
Sol La Sol Fa Mi Do
Sol La Sol Fa Mi Do
Do Sol Do
Do Sol DoAre you sleeping
Are you sleeping
Brother John
Brother John
Morning bells are ringing
Morning bells are ringing
Ding dong ding
Ding dong dingFrère Jacques,
Frère Jacques,
Sonnez les matines!
Sonnez les matines!
Ding, dong, ding.
Ding, dong, ding. - Song w/Ball: Roll the Spiky Ball
Roll the Spiky Ball
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Have children pair up. Practice rolling, bouncing, ball on head, nose, knees, toes.
Will you roll the spiky ball
Will you roll the spiky ball
Will you roll the spiky ball to a friend
(repeat)[BREAK, introduce bouncing]
Will you bounce the spiky ball
Will you bounce the spiky ball
Will you bounce the spiky ball with your hands
Put the ball on your head
Put the ball on your nose
Put the ball on your knees
Put the ball on your toes - World Music Dance: Kenya – Sura Yako – Sauti Sol – Kenyan Afro-pop
Kenya – Sura Yako – Sauti Sol – Kenyan Afro-pop
Activity Instructions:
Pass out scarves, and have children bounce, dance, etc.
Historical information:Sauti Sol is a Kenyan Afr0-Pop band. View their profile on Wikipedia.
- Musical Exploration: Musical Exploration
Musical Exploration
Activity Instructions:
Dump a variety bucket of instruments out for children to play and try different instruments. Teacher’s choice on background music, make sure that the song lyrics are clean and the topic is child-appropriate. You may want to find out some of your participants favorite popular songs and include them here!
- Musical Composition Activity: Musical Mad Lib
Musical Mad Lib
Listen to the SongPrintables (.pdf)
Activity Instructions:
Pass out lyric sheets to children, and allow them to fill in the blanks with parent help. Then collect the sheets and sing everyone’s songs.
Lyrics:When it’s summer, I like to ACTION
Like to ACTION with PERSON 1 and PERSON 2
I like to go to PLACE
And ACTION with PERSON 1 and PERSON 212333352 | 2344465 | 38765432 | 233221
- Musical Game: 123, Identify Me: Drums, Clarinet, Trombone
123, Identify Me: Drums, Clarinet, Trombone
Activity Instructions:
Tape pictures of Drums, Clarinet, and Trombone on walls. Play provided .mp3s and ask students to identify the sound they are hearing by running to that picture on the wall.
- Puppet: Old McDonald had a Zoo
Old McDonald had a Zoo
Listen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Tell the children that Old McDonald has a Zoo today instead of a Farm. If the animals are loud, they are just saying hello. Then sing song, If by chance you don’t have all four puppets, print out cardstock versions of the animals and mount on a popsicle stick.
Lyrics:Old McDonald had a Zoo, doo-bee-doo-bee-doo
and at his zoo he had a bear, zoo-bee-zoo-bee-doo
with a *growl* here and a *growl* there
Here a *growl*, there a *growl*, everywhere a *growl*
Old McDonald had a Zoo, doo-bee-doo-bee-dooOld McDonald had a Zoo, doo-bee-doo-bee-doo
and at his zoo he had a Lion, zoo-bee-doo-bee-doo
with a *roar* here and a *roar* there
Here a *roar* there a *roar*, everywhere a *roar*
Old McDonald had a Zoo, doo-bee-doo-bee-dooOld McDonald had a Zoo, doo-bee-doo-bee-doo
and at his zoo he had a Monkey, zoo-bee-doo-bee-doo
with a *ooh-ah* here and a *ooh-ah* there
Here a *ooh* there a *ooh*, everywhere a *ooh-ah*
Old McDonald had a Zoo, doo-bee-doo-bee-dooOld McDonald had a Zoo, doo-bee-doo-bee-doo
and at his zoo he had an Elephant, zoo-bee-doo-bee-doo
with a *twoot* here and a *twoot* there
Here a *twoot* there a *twoot*, everywhere a *twoot*
Old McDonald had a Zoo, doo-bee-doo-bee-doo - Goodbye Song: Goodbye Song
Goodbye Song
Pattern 12, Tempo 8
Rhythm Only
With Lyrics, no namesListen to the SongActivity Instructions:
Start rhythm on keyboard. Then sing song, putting each child’s name in the song. Adjust the ending based on the number of children you have – feel free to repeat or not, and add goodbyes to mommies, daddies, instruments, etc, if needed to finish the musical phrasing, depending upon the size of your class.
Lyrics:Goodbye, Cya later, adios my friends
Our time in Rockin’ Rhythms class has come to an end
au revoir, auf wiedersehen, bon voyage, chiao
Until we meet again my friends, I’ll say goodbye for now|: Goodbye [Name goes here]
Goodbye [Name here]
Goodbye [Name goes here]
Goodbye [Name here]
Goodbye [Name goes here]
Goodbye [Name here]
We’ll rock again next time :|