FINGER PLAY: Five little fingers went out to play

Activity Instructions:

Have the children help you count fingers, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Then tell them that you are going to sing a story about our fingers, then introduce song.


5 little fingers they went out to play (wiggle 5 fingers)
out to play, out to play, out to play
Five little fingers had a very fun day,
Until one had to go home

Four little fingers they stayed to play (wiggle 4 fingers)
stayed to play, stayed to play
Four little fingers they ran and played
Until one had to go home.

Three little fingers they loved to play (wiggle 3 fingers)
loved to play, loved to play
Three little fingers they skipped and played
Until one had to go home

Two little fingers  they giggled and played (wiggle 2 fingers)
giggled and played
giggled and played
Two little fingers they giggled and played
Until one had to go home

One little finger, he ran out to play (wiggle 1 finger)
out to play
out to play
One little finger all alone that day
Decided to play at home