Frere Jacques Ball version 2

Activity Instructions:

Use balls to tap and bounce to the beat, and roll the balls between hands.


I am tapping, I am tapping
Tapping the ball, Tapping the ball
Tapping the ball, Tapping the ball
Tapping the ball, Tapping the ball
I am tapping on the ball
Tapping on the ball
I am tapping on the ball
Tapping on the ball

I am rolling, I am rolling
Rolling the ball, Rolling the ball
Rolling the ball, Rolling the ball
Rolling the ball, Rolling the ball
I am rolling the ball
Rolling the ball
I am rolling the ball
Rolling the ball

I am bouncing, I am bouncing
Up and down, Up and down
Bouncing up and down, Bouncing up and down
Bouncing up and down, Bouncing up and down
I am bouncing on the ball
bouncing on the ball
I am bouncing on the ball
bouncing on the ball