Old McDonald had a Zoo
Activity Instructions:
Tell the children that Old McDonald has a Zoo today instead of a Farm. If the animals are loud, they are just saying hello. Then sing song, If by chance you don’t have all four puppets, print out cardstock versions of the animals and mount on a popsicle stick.
Lyrics:Old McDonald had a Zoo, doo-bee-doo-bee-doo
and at his zoo he had a bear, zoo-bee-zoo-bee-doo
with a *growl* here and a *growl* there
Here a *growl*, there a *growl*, everywhere a *growl*
Old McDonald had a Zoo, doo-bee-doo-bee-doo
Old McDonald had a Zoo, doo-bee-doo-bee-doo
and at his zoo he had a Lion, zoo-bee-doo-bee-doo
with a *roar* here and a *roar* there
Here a *roar* there a *roar*, everywhere a *roar*
Old McDonald had a Zoo, doo-bee-doo-bee-doo
Old McDonald had a Zoo, doo-bee-doo-bee-doo
and at his zoo he had a Monkey, zoo-bee-doo-bee-doo
with a *ooh-ah* here and a *ooh-ah* there
Here a *ooh* there a *ooh*, everywhere a *ooh-ah*
Old McDonald had a Zoo, doo-bee-doo-bee-doo
Old McDonald had a Zoo, doo-bee-doo-bee-doo
and at his zoo he had an Elephant, zoo-bee-doo-bee-doo
with a *twoot* here and a *twoot* there
Here a *twoot* there a *twoot*, everywhere a *twoot*
Old McDonald had a Zoo, doo-bee-doo-bee-doo