Letter F – There was a Farmer
Activity Instructions:
Ask students if they are able to tell you the name of animals or bugs beginning with the letter F. Help them to guess frog, fish, fox, and fly, and talk about their spelling as they guess each one. Then sing the song.
Lyrics:There was a Farmer had a frog
and FROG it was his name-o
FROG Frog, FROG Frog, FROG Frog
and FROG it was his name-frog
no, that’s not right? Hmm…
There was a farmer had a fish
and fish it was his name-o
FISH fish, FISH fish, FISH fish
and fish it was his name Fish!
There was a farmer had a fox
and fox it was his name-o
FOX that’s fox x3
and fox it was his name-o
There was a famer had a fly
and fly it was his name-o
FLY that’s fly x3
and fox it was his name-o