Turtle and the Bunny (Tortoise and the Hare)
Activity Instructions:
Have children sit in parent’s laps. Explore Bumping and Bouncing fast, and walking slowly with left or right leg up. This is a version of the tortise (turtle) and the hare (bunny). Use the turtle and the bunny in your lap.
Lyrics:[FAST- bounce Part 1, bump Part 2]
The turtle and the bunny met one day, met one day, met one day
The turtle and the bunny met one day, met one day, met one day
The turtle and the bunny met one day, met one day, met one day
and they decided to race
Hopalong bunny sped away, sped away, sped away
Hopalong bunny sped away, sped away, sped away
Hopalong bunny sped away, sped away, sped away
Hopalong bunny sped away
and the turtle began his chase
[SLOW – one knee up, other knee up, alternate]
Slow and steady wins the race
wins the race, wins the race
Slow and steady wins the race
Turtle followed at his own pace
[FAST- bounce Part 1, bump Part 2]
Hopalong bunny turned around, turned around, turned around
Hopalong bunny turned around, turned around, turned around
Hopalong bunny turned around, turned around, turned around
Couldn’t see the turtle so he sat down
Hopalong bunny, tired out, tired out, tired out
Hopalong bunny, tired out, tired out, tired out
Hopalong bunny, tired out, tired out, tired out
Shut his eyes and took a nap
[SLOWLY – one knee up, other knee up, alternate]
Mr. Turtle kept on walking
past the bunny’s napping place
Mr. Turtle kept on walking
Slow and steady wins the race