Teach Rockin’ Rhythms OLD PAGE

  • Do you LOVE music?
  • Do you LOVE to sing?
  • Do you LOVE kids ages 0-6 yrs?
  • Would you like teach children’s music classes?

Teach Rockin’ Rhythms Music Classes!

I’ve always loved kids and loved to sing and make music. It had been a longtime dream to start my own business teaching children’s music classes.

Most options that I researched had expensive teacher trainings… which weren’t offered very often… and you had to travel to them. Most curriculum was limited to 8-10 weeks, meaning sporadic relationships with your students, and sporadic income, and you were required to sell instrument packs to your students… which they had to buy every time they registered for class. Yuck.  None of that sounds good to me.

So, using my music education background, my 10+ years of experience working with children and youth, my love for singing and songwriting, and my marketing and computer background, Rockin’ Rhythms Music was born. 

I want to see YOU succeed in teaching children’s music classes… and lots more of the next generation develop an early love for music!


What Parents are saying about Rockin’ Rhythms Music Classes

Between instruments, singing, games, and dancing, there is always something to engage my child. And the music is well thought out and unique. I look forward to the class as much as my daughter does. I love sharing this learning experience with her. – Elizabeth Carver
Music is language acquisition. My toddler is 19 months old and his vocabulary has recently exploded. We’re intentional at home, but this gives us a much-needed outlet to get out and have fun while learning. – Chrissy Bramer
We love the way Rockin’ Rhythms music class combines movement with music theory. My child is learning music fundamentals while playing. – Carrie Coombs
My kids love the dancing and different instruments. They also like the stuffed animal songs. I like that its an activity we can all do together and the basic music theory they are learning. – Daniel Watkins
Rockin’ Rhythms Music class is a wonderful opportunity to share in the experience of learning about music with your child. We especially enjoy participating in movement and the use of musical instruments. -Sarah Clark


Our Instructor Package makes it easy!

Rockin’ Rhythms is developing an instructor package that will have everything you need to start your own Rockin’ Rhythms classes! The package will include:

  • 136 different lesson plans (Over 600 activities that are part of 34 superplans for 4 different class ages – 2 full years kid-tested curriculum!)
  • An easy to use web based curriculum – log on from any computer or mobile device to prep for class.
  • Online teacher training (from the comfort of your living room in your pajamas, whenever you want to view it! ;))
  • Live online Q & A sessions with me
  • Online Member forums where you can interact with other instructors so that we can encourage and support each other as we bring the love of music to the next generation.
  • A list of all the instruments you’ll need for classes – and where to buy them. If you already have some of the items, feel free to use what you already have, you don’t have to use the same drums, maracas, etc as I do 
  • Customizable marketing materials
  • Shareable social media posts to promote your classes
  • Bonus birthday party and music camp plans – easy ways to earn extra $$$!
  • Optional products for resale. (And by optional, I mean you don’t EVER have to buy ANYTHING, but you can choose to buy t-shirts and lesson plan CDs and resell them to your students for profit.)
  • Other items will be developed based on YOUR NEEDS. You’re not talking to big corporate… you’re talking to Julie, and I want YOU to succeed! :)

Sign Up Now!

Join the beta community and help shape the resources and training we’ll offer! A limited number of spaces are available in our beta membership so that I can provide personalized attention to help YOU succeed!

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