Merry Christmas to all! Here is some FREE Christmas Music for you and your babies, toddlers, and preschoolers to enjoy!
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Sleigh Ride | Carol of the Peek-a-Boos | What Child Running | Deck the Halls with Food | Jingle Bells
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Sleigh Ride
This song is a bouncing song! Sit your child on your lap just above your knees with your legs extended and bounce them to the beat. Follow the lyrics, move your legs up and down the hill, and roll back out of sight if you are able. You can view the video below to see how it’s done. This is an activity we do in Baby Rock and Tot Rock.
Grab your kids and try this original lapride from our Rockin' Rhythms music classes! It will repeat three times. Check out our new class times for Rockin' Rhythms in the New Year on our website:
Posted by My Gym Louisville on Friday, December 9, 2016
Ha ha ha and ho ho ho
Riding on a sleigh
Dashing quickly through the snow
on this winter day
Up the hill and down the hill
Roll back out of sight
Bouncing bouncing up and down
On this bumpy ride
Carol of the Peek-a-Boos
Grab a transparent scarf, and play peek-a-boo with your little one. The song shares a melody with the popular Carol of the Bells. This is an activity we do in our Baby Rock and Family Rock classes.
All of the lyrics are the words Peek-a-boo. ;)
What Child Running
This one is a body awareness song to the tune of What Child is This. Walk, run, jump, and spin, while using your listening skills to know when to “STOP”. This is an activity we do in Tot Rock, Kid Rock, and Family Rock.
I’m running, running, running, running, running, running, then I stop.
I’m running, running, running, running, running, running, then I stop.
I’m jumping, jumping then I stop. Jumping jumping then I stop.
I’m spinning, spinning, then I stop. Spinning, spinning, then I stop.
Deck the Halls with Food
This is a silly song to sing along with, to the tune of Deck the Halls.
Deck the Hall with cold spa-ghet-ti
Fa la la la la la la la la.
Spread it round and let’s get messy
Fa la la la la la la la la.
Add some sauce and great big meat-balls
Fa la la la la la la la la
Do you like this sil-ly carol
Fa la la la la, la la la la***That’s not right? Let me try again… ***
Deck the Halls with choc-‘late sauce
Fa la la la la la la la la.
Grab some marsh-mal-lows and toss
Fa la la la la la la la la.
Add some cher-ries, pea-nuts, too
Fa la la la la la la la la
Do you like my silly tune?
Fa la la la la, la la la la***Not right again? ***
Deck the Halls with pea-nut but-ter and jel-ly
Fa la la la la la la la la.
Spread it round and let’s get messy
Fa la la la la la la la la.
Add some bread, ba-nan-nas too
Fa la la la la la la la la
Do you like my hall of food
Fa la la la la, la la la la***Don’t try this at home!***
Jingle Bells
Sing along to Jingle Bells! Perfect for all ages.
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh, hey!
Dashing through the snow
In a one horse open sleigh
O’er the fields we go
Laughing all the way
Bells on bobtail ring
Making spirits bright
What fun it is to ride and sing
A sleighing song tonight